香港特别行政区享有行政管理~、立法~、独立的司法~和终审~。The Hong Kong SAR will be vested with executive,legislative and independent judicial power,including that of final adjudication./香港特别行政区享有高度的自治~。The Hong Kong SAR will enjoy a high degree of autonomy./经中央人民政府具体授权acting under specific authorizations from the Central People’s Government/当~be in power/授~authorize sb to do sth;give authorization to sb/越~ overstep one’s authority/掌~come to power/霸~hegemony/被选举~right to be elected;right to stand for election/庇护~right to asylum/答辩~right to reply/代位~right of subrogation/发言~say;right to speak/发展~right to development/否决~(right to) veto/公民~ civil rights;civic rights/管理~executive power/过境~right of transit/合法财产的所有~right to own lawful property/继承~right of inheritance/居留~ right of abode;right of residence/检察~ procuratorial power/立法~ legislative power/立异~ right to be different/民~the people’s rights;civic rights/全~full power/人~human rights/审计监督~power to supervise through auditing/审判~judicial power/生存~right to existence/生命~right to life/司法~judicial power/私有财产的继承~right to inherit private property/特~privilege;prerogative/投票~right to vote/通行~right of passage/选举~right to vote;right to election/隐私~right to privacy/职~ functions and powers;functions and authority;terms of reference/制空~mastery of the air;air supremacy/终审~(power of)final judgment (or final instance);power of final adjudication/主动~initiative/了解信息~right of access/上诉~right of appeal/集会~right of assembly/出庭辩护~right of audience/著作~right of author/版~right of author/对质~right of confrontation/经营企业~right of establishment/出籍~right of expatriation/居住~ right of habitation/倡仪~right of initiative/交往~right of intercouse/使节~right of legation/质询~right of interpellation/国籍~right of nationality/申诉~right of petition/避难~right of sanctuary/代位~right of subrogation/征税~right of taxation/临检~right of visit;right of visitation/参政~right to participate in political system/庇护~right of asylum/中立国财产征用~right of angary/社会保障~right to social security/人身安全~right to security of person/接受探望~right to receive visits/追索~right of recourse/自决~right to selfdetermination/自卫~right to self-defence/自治 ~power of autonomy/自主~ decisionmaking power/赦免~power of absolution /代理~power of agency/财产转让~power of alienation/拨款~power of appropriation/驳回~power of disallowance/处置~power of disposition/解释~power of interpretation/代表~power of representation/撤销~power of revocation