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单词 杂乱无章

杂乱无章zá luàn wú zhāng

be a hurrah’s nest;(all) in a mess (/muddle/tumble); chaotic;confused and disorderly; disorderly and unsystem atic; higgledy-piggledy; in a disorderly fashion; in(/great/wild/utter) disorder (/disarray); out of joint (/order); rough-and-tumble
❍ 无论多么~的场合,他能在几刻钟里纠正整理的有条不紊。(刘白羽《火光在前》89) Under the most chaotic circumstances,he could always produce complete neatness and order in a couple of minutes./……而听凭到会人员无目的地~地议论,致使会议时间延长,得不到明确而周密的结论。(《毛泽东选集》 1225) …but with the participants allowed to indulge in pointless,random talk so that the sessions drag on without reaching any clear,well considered conclusion.


disorderly and unsystematic;confused and disorderly;chaotic
他的论文~,文理不通。His dissertation is a mere jumble of words,lacking logic and coherence.

杂乱无章zá luàn wú zhānɡ

章:条理。形容十分混乱而且没有条理。disorganized, in utter disorder, all in a mess, at sixs and sevens, at six and seven, all in confusion





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