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(多种多样的; 混杂的) miscellaneous; varied; sundry; mixed: 复 ~ com ̄ plex; complicated; 嘈 ~ noisy; 闲 ~ 人员 miscellaneous personnel; ~ 项税收 sundry revenue; ~ 事儿 chore; miscellaneous affairs; ~ 而不乱 mixed but not confused; ~ 七 ~ 八的东西 odds and ends; a medley Ⅱ (混合在一起; 搀杂) mix; blend; mingle: 羊毛中夹 ~ 进棉花 mix cotton into wool; 这片桃树中 ~ 有几棵苹果树。 There are a few apple trees scattered among these peach trees.
◆杂拌 macédoine; 杂拌儿 assorted preserved fruits; mixed sweetmeats; mixture; miscellany; medley; hotchpotch; 杂波 {电} clutter; grass; noise wave; 杂草 weeds; rank grass; hogweed; 杂凑 knock together; odds and ends; 杂费 incidental expenses; incidentals; sundry fees; extras; miscellaneous fee [expenses]; out of pocket expenses; sundry charges; expenditure; 杂感 random thoughts; a type of literature recording such thoughts; 杂环 heterocyclic ring; heterocycle; 杂烩 mixed stew; hotchpotch; mixture; miscellany; medley; hotchpotch; potpourri; 杂货 sundry goods; groceries; general cargo; cats-and-dogs; 杂技 acrobatics; 杂记 jottings; notes; miscellanies; 杂家 the Eclectics, a school of thought flourishing at the end of the Warring States Period and the beginning of the Han Dynasty; 杂交 {生} hybridize; cross; hybridization; cross breeding; 杂居 (of two or more nationalities) live together; 杂剧 zaju, poetic drama set to music, flourishing in the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), usu. consisting of four acts called zhe(折), with one character having the singing role in each zhe; 杂链 heterochain; 杂粮 coarse cereals; food grains other than wheat and rice; miscellaneous grain crops; side crops; 杂乱 mixed and disorderly; in a jumble; in a muddle; disorder; mussiness; 杂乱无章 be [get] out of order; all in a mess; all in a muddle; be at sixes and sevens; disorderly and unsystematic; disorganized; higgledy- piggledy; in a chaotic state; 杂面 flour made from various kinds of beans; noodles made from such flour; 杂念 distracting thoughts; 杂牌 a less known and inferior brand; 杂品 sundry goods; groceries; 杂七杂八 mixed; assorted; miscellaneous; 杂散 {物} {电} stray; 杂色 variegated; parti-colour; motley; fancy shade; 杂食 poly ̄ phagia; omnivorous; 杂史 unofficial history; 杂耍 variety show; vaudeville; 杂税 miscellaneous levies; sundry tax; 杂说 different versions; [书] fragmentary argumen ̄ tation; 杂碎 chopped, cooked entrails (of sheep or oxen); chop suety; [英方] gubbins; 杂谈 tittle-tattle; 杂文 essay; 杂物 varia; 杂务 odd jobs; sundry duties; chore; 杂项 sundry; miscellaneous; 杂役 miscellaneous affairs; 杂音 noise; {电} static; {医} murmur; souffle; 杂院儿 a compound occupied by many households; 杂志 magazine; records; notes; journal; 杂质 {固物} impuri ̄ ty; foreign substance; impurity substance; inclusion; foreign matter; 杂种 {生} hybrid; crossbreed; miscegena ̄ tion; intercross; {遗} random breed; {动} half-bred; mongrel; bastard; son of a bitch





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