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单词 杀鸡吓猴

杀鸡吓猴杀鸡骇猴;杀鸡给猴看;杀鸡教猴shā jī xià hóu

kill the chicken to frighten the monkey—punish sb as a warning to others/……还有呢,叫做“杀鸡给猢狲看”,好让与蒋冰如臭味相同的人物知趣一点,不敢出来阻挠革命的行动。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》384) …in addition,it was to“frighten the monkey bykilling the chicken.”so that those individuals who had the same evil smell about them as Jiang Bingru had,should be impressed by the example they made of him and so wouldn’t dare to try and impede the course of the Revolution.
❍ 吴七总想抓个奸细来“宰鸡教猴”一下,吴坚和剑平反对; ……(高云览《小城春秋》18) Wu the Seventh wanted to catch a traitor and kill him, “as an example.”Wu Jian and Jianping were opposed.
❍ 老实讲,以前我以为 ‘三反’ 运动是假的,不过是杀鸡吓猴子,做给别人看的; ‘五反’ 运动才是真的。现在看来,“三反”也是真的。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—543) To tell the truth,I’ve always thought until now that the “Three Antis” campaign was a sham,making an example of a few to frighten all the rest;whereas the “Five Antis”would be the real campaign.But it seems now that the “Three Antis”compaign is equally real.


kill the chicken to frighten the monkey—punish someone to warn others

杀鸡吓猴吓(骇)shā jī xià hóu

比喻惩处了一个人以吓唬其他的人。punish someone as a warning to others, kill a few to frighten all the rest





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