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单词 杀气腾腾

杀气腾腾shā qì téng téng

assuming a formidable martial look; amuck; bellicose; ferocious; fierce-looking; murderous-looking; with a murderous look on one’s face; there is murder (/death) in the air
❍ 两个保镳的彪形大汉, ~地跟在他们背后。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—165) Behind them were two husky,fierce-looking bodyguards.
❍ 它那朦朦胧胧的、若隐若现的桥身,和桥头一片紧张的,~的气氛结合在一起,给人一种神秘莫测的感觉。(杨佩谨《剑》145)The hazy bridge combined with the sword-rattling commotion at the bridgehead to create an uncanny atmosphere of terror.
❍ 一天滴水未进的游行者,这时,忘了饥饿,忘了寒冷,忘了密布四周、~的军警,来听这个学联负责人的讲话。(杨沫《青春之歌》619) Most of the demonstratorshad had nothing to eat or drink all day but,forgetting hunger,cold and the threatening array of force against them,they stood on tiptoe,straining their ears to hear this spokesman of the students’ Fe deration.
❍ 监狱内~,突然充满了火药气味。(杨沫《青春之歌》69) There was death in the air,the whole prison reeked of gunpowder.

杀气腾腾shā qì ténɡ ténɡ

杀气:凶恶的气势;腾腾:气势旺盛的样子。形容充满要杀人的凶狠气势。be out to kill, sound bellicose, run amuck, murderous, bellicose





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