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单词 杀人不眨眼

杀人不眨眼shā rén bù zhǎ yǎn

bloodthirsty; kill brutally; kill without batting an eyelid; kill without blinking an eye
❍ 因为他们三个,都是~的大灾星。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—104) Because these three are scourges of mankind,delighting in killing men.
❍ 王强咬牙切齿地想: 这个眯着眼、咧着嘴对他十分客气的家伙,实际上是一个~的恶鬼。(知侠《铁道游击队》24) Clinching his teeth Wang Qiang said to himself,“This rogue is a devil-may-care,blood-thirsty demon,for all his seeming kindness,his broad grin and smiling eyes.
❍ 他担心刘宗敏脾气火暴,常常杀死俘虏,宗敏手下有一名叫李友的偏将更是一个~的小伙子。(姚雪垠《李自成》166)He was afraid that Liu Zongmin,always hasty,might have all the prisoners put to the sword,especially as his lieutenant Li You was most bloodthirsty.
❍ 他是~的男子,倘或早晚归来,此事必然要发。(《水浒全传》317)He’s the sort who could kill a man without batting an eye. Sooner or later he’s coming home,and then this whole thing is going to blow up!/蒋孝先这家伙是个~的魔王,这些情形他全侦察到了。(杨沫《青春之歌》219)Commander Jiang Xiaoxian is utterly ruthless—he kills people without blinking an eye.
❍ 李逵虽是个~的魔君,听的说了这话,自肚里寻思道……(《水浒全传》536)This man(Li Kui) who never twinkled his eyes in chopping off people’s heads,paused and thought when he heard this.
❍ 土豪劣绅势盛时,杀农民真是~。(《毛泽东选集》726) When the local tyrants and evil gentry were at the height of their power,they literally slaughtered peasants without batting an eyelid.


slaughtering people without blinking; cold blood

杀人不眨眼shā rén bù zhǎ yǎn

杀人连眼睛都不眨一下。形容人非常凶狠残暴,杀人成性。kill without blinking an eye, murder in cold blood





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更新时间:2025/2/1 1:12:57