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❶ (使失去生命; 弄死) kill; slaughter: ~ 敌 kill the enemy; 他 ~ homicide; 误 ~ manslaughter; 侵略者把全镇居民都 ~ 了。 The invaders killed off all the inhabitants of the town.
❷ (战斗) fight; go into battle: ~ 出重围 fight one's way out of a heavy encirclement
❸ (削弱; 消除) weaken; reduce; abate: ~ ~ 敌人的威风 deflate the enemy's arrogance; 风势稍 ~。 The wind abated.
❹ [方] (药物等刺激皮肤或黏膜使感觉疼痛) smart: 碘酒涂在伤口上真 ~ 得慌。 Iodine smarts when it is put on a cut.
❺ (去除) take off; counteract: 白菜馅里放点盐 ~ 一 ~ 水 put some salt in the chopped cabbage to draw out the water Ⅱ (用在动词后, 表示程度深) in the extreme; exceedingly: 闷 ~ 人 bored to death; 笑 ~ 人 absolutely ridiculous; terribly funny
◆杀虫剂 {化} insecticide; pesticide; insectifuge; demeton; ethyl-para-nitro-phenyl (EPN); dimetho ̄ ate;
杀虫药 pesticide; insecticide;
杀出重围 fight one's way out; fight one's way out of double lines of besiegers; fight [cut] one's way out of the press [a heavy encircle ̄ ment];杀敌 fight the enemy; engage in battle;
杀敌致果 heroically fight the enemy to distinguish oneself in action; serve with distinction in war;
杀风景 spoil the fun; spoil the landscape; be a wet blanket; dampen one's enthusiasm; throw a wet blanket over;
杀害 murder; kill; destruction; enecation; slaughter;
杀回马枪 make a backward thrust at one's pursuer; wheel around and hit back;
杀机 the intention to kill;
杀鸡警猴 kill the chicken to frighten [teach] the monkey — to punish one as a warning to others; warn by example;
杀鸡取蛋[卵] kill the hen to get the eggs [all its eggs]; be after only immediate interests; eat the calf in the cow's belly; kill the goose that lays the golden eggs;
杀鸡用牛刀 break a fly upon a wheel; use a sledge-hammer on a gnat; use a steam- hammer to crack nuts;
杀价 offer to buy sth. cheap, knowing the seller needs cash; demand a lower price, knowing the seller needs cash;
杀孑 infanticide;
杀绝 exterminate;
杀菌 disinfect; sterilize; 杀开血路 cut [fight] one's way out; cut one's way through; fight [cut] one's way through the press;
杀戮 massacre; slaughter;
杀卵剂 {化} ovicide; miticide;
杀螨剂 acaricide; miticide;
杀气 murderous look; vent one's ill feeling;
杀气腾腾 have plenty of fight in sb.; amuck; be out to kill; death in the air; murderous; run amuck; sabre-rattling; see things with bloodshot eyes; There is a prevailing thirst for blood.; with a murderous look on one's face;
杀人 kill a person; murder;
杀人不见血 kill without spilling [shed ̄ ding] blood; destroy a person by smooth strategy; kill by subtle means;
杀人不眨眼 kill without batting [blinking] an eye [eyelid]; murder sb. in cold blood; slaughter [murder] without batting an eyelid;
杀人成性 love to kill; be bloodthirsty;
杀人抵[偿]命 One who murders pays the forfeit with [of] his life.; a life for a life; A murderer must forfeit [pay with] his life.; life for life;
杀人放火 murder and burn; commit murder and arson; fire and sword; kill people and set places on fire; kill sb. or burn a house; kill the people and burn the houses; kill the people and set fire to houses; murder and arson; murder and set fire (on);
杀人害命 murder innocent folk;
杀人狂 dacnomania; phonomania; homicido ̄ manis; amok; amuck; blood thirstiness;
杀人灭口 murder sb. to prevent divulgence of one's secrets; do away with a witness [accomplice]; kill all so that there won't be any eyewitness left; kill anyone who might produce evidence against one; kill (them) to keep (their) mouth shut; put a man to death in order to avoid his betrayal of a secret;
杀人如麻 commit innumerable murders; cut men down as one cuts hempen stalks; decimate the population; kill people like flies;
杀人越货 kill and rob; kill a person and seize his goods; murder for property;
杀杀威风 take [bring; let] sb. down a peg or two; deflate the opponent's arrogance;
杀伤 kill and wound;
杀身成仁 die a martyr; die a hero's death; die a mrtyr to a noble cause; die for the sake of the cause; die to achieve virtue — to die for a just cause; sacrifice one's life to preserve one's virtue intact;
杀身大祸 a fatal disaster;
杀生 (of Buddhism) kill livestock, fowls, etc.; destruction of life;
杀手 killer;
杀鼠剂 rat poison; rodenticide; raticide;
杀鼠药 raticide;
杀死 be killed;
杀胎 foeticide; feticide;
杀头 behead; decapitate;
杀蚊剂 culicide;
杀一警[儆]百 execute one man to warn a hundred; execute sb. as a warning to all; He that chastens one chastens twenty.; kill one as a warning to all; kill sb. as an example to the rest; kill sb. as a warning to others; punish one to awe one hundred; punish [execute] sb. as an example [a warning] to others; slay sb. as warning to others;
杀婴(罪) infanticide





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