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单词 price
price/praɪs/ n [-s / ɪz/]; vt [-s / ɪz/; -d, -d /t/; -eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)价格(钱) (amount of money asked for or paid) [C]: What's the~of this coat/table? 这件衣服/这张桌子多少钱?The~is $9.99. 价钱为9.99美元。What~are you asking? 你要价多少?charge high~s 要高价;The~of eatables was rising/going up. 食品的价格正在上涨。P~s are falling/going down. 物价正下跌。P~s shot up/plummeted. 物价飞涨/暴跌。I will buy the funiture at that~. 我要以那个价格买下这些家具。sell sth at/for a good~以高价卖掉某物;put a~on sb's head 悬赏捉拿或杀掉某人;~control/war 物价控制/价格战;the fixing of~levels 价位的确定;Everyone has his~.(prov) 每个人都可被收买。cheap at the~划得来,物超所值;〖同〗cost,charge,value,worth;

(2)代价(what one must do or give in order to get or keep sth) [C]: pay the~of one's follies 为自己的愚蠢付出代价;His freedom was the~he paid for security. 他的安全是以自由为代价的。pay a heavy~for sth 为某事付出沉重的代价;They won the battle, but at the~of many lives. 他们取得了战斗的胜利,但代价是付出了许多生命。〖同〗cost;

(3)赌注与赢款的差额 (odds in betting) [C]: “What~are you offering on that horse?” “Six to one.” “你在那匹马上下注的比例有多大?”“六比一。”

at a price 相当贵,昂贵: You can get a house in London at a~. 在伦敦买房子价钱相当贵。

at any price 无论价钱高低;不惜任何代价: I wouldn't sell the painting/They wanted freedom at any~. 无论价钱多高我都不卖这幅画/他们不惜任何代价想得到自由。

beyond/above/without price 宝贵(无价)的: Good advice/health is beyond~. 忠告/健康无价。

not at any price 无论条件多优厚都不: He wouldn't have his sister's children stay again—not at any~! 他不愿意让他姐姐的孩子再留下来——无论如何都不行!

put a price on sth 定出某事物的价值: You can't put a~on friendship/loyalty. 友谊/忠诚是不能用金钱来衡量的。

what price...? 1)……有何用(价值)?(BrE)(infml): The leaders of the two nations have refused to speak to each other. What~a peace agreement now? 两国领导人拒绝对话,一纸和平协定如今又有什么用?2)……的可能性有多大? (BrE)(infml): It's started to snow. What~his arriving this evening now? 已经开始下雪了,他们今天晚上还有可能来吗?

→′priceless adj 无(法估)价的,极其珍贵的;极有趣(荒唐)的;′pricey, ′pricy adj 昂贵的;′price-fixing n 同业者协议价格;物价控制;′price-list n 价目表;′price-tag n 价格标签;

vt (1) 1)为……定价 (establish a price for) [T+n T+n+prep(at)]: The clothes in those shops were~d high. 那些商店里的衣服定价很高。How much have you~d these tomatoes at? 这些马铃薯你定的什么价?~the radio at $150 将这收音机定价150美元;(agent)~the house at the right level for the market (代理商)为这所房子定了一个适合市场的正确价格;〖同〗evaluate; 2) 标价格于 (mark with a price) [T+n]: The shop assistant~d the shoes before putting them on display. 店员在将这些鞋摆出来之前先将价格标在上面。These dresses haven't yet been~d. 这些裙子还未标价。~sth out of the market 索价太高而无人问津;

(2)查明(估计)……的价钱 (find out or estimate the price of) [T+n]:~the rug/the plate/the painting 估计地毯/盘子/画的价格;






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