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单词 prevail
prevail/prɪ′veɪl/ vi

(1)盛(流,风)行 (exist everywhere or generally; widespread) [I+prep(in/among)]: the conditions now~ing in Russia 俄罗斯目前的普遍状况;Violence/The use of opium still~s in the country. 暴力/吸食鸦片在那个国家仍然盛行。Strong winds~in those regions. 那些地区经常刮大风。(the use of horses for ploughing) still~among the poorer farmers 较为贫穷的农夫仍(用马耕地);Similar climatic conditions~above the timberline. 林木线以上的气候情况相同。Flags were out, and the holiday atmosphere~ed. 旗子都挂出来,呈现一派节日的气氛。A feeling of political indifference~ed throughout the country. 全国上下都对政治漠不关心。〖同〗abound,exist;

(2)取胜,占上风(be successful; prove to be better) [I I+prep(against/over)](fml): Truth will~. 真理将获胜。If words do not~, we must use force. 如果对话不解决问题,我们必须使用武力。Right will~in the long run. 正义最终将取胜。Virtue will~against evil. 美德终将战胜邪恶。The knights~ed against their foes. 骑士们战胜了他们的仇敌。The native population~ed over the invaders. 当地人民打败了入侵者。〖同〗triumph,win,succeed,overcome;

prevail on sb to do sth 劝说某人做某事: They~ed on her to stay there. 他们劝她待在那里。

→pre′vailing adj 普遍(流行)的;(指风在某地区)常吹的;′prevalence n 盛(流)行,普遍;′prevalent adj 普遍(流行,盛行)的





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