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单词 concern
释义 concern2 /ksn'sxn; kan'sn/ n 1 [C] relation or connection; sth in which one is interested or which is important to one: 关系; 关连; 关心之事; (对某人) 关系重大之事: It s no ~ of mine, I have nothing to do with it. 这事与我无关。 Mind your own ~ (business is more usu), Don't interfere in other people's affairs. 管你自己的事 (不要管别人的闲事) (business 较常用) 。 What ~ is it of yours, Why do you take an interest in it? 此事与你何干? (你为何要介入?) 2 [C] business or undertaking: 营业; 事务; 业务: The shop has now become a paying is making profits. 这商店现在已可赚钱了。 a going ~, one that is active and in operation, not merely planned. 已开始营业 (活动等) (非仅计划中之事而已) 。 3 [C] share: 股份: He has a ~ in the business, is a part-owner. 他在这企业中有一股份 (为股东之一) 。 4 [U] anxiety: 忧虑; 担心: filled with ~; 满怀忧虑; look at sb in 担心地看着某人。 There is some cause for ~ but no need for alarm. K 有点令人忧虑,但不必惊慌。 ~ed /-'sxnd; -'s?nd/ adj anxious: 焦虑的; 担心的: with a ~ed look. 以焦虑的神情。 ~edly /-'sxnidli; -'ssnidh/ adv




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