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单词 conception
释义 conception /kan'sepjn; kan'sep/an/ n 1 [U] conceiving of an idea or plan; [C] idea or plan that takes shape in the mind: 构思; 构想; 息像; 想出的意念或计划: A good novelist needs great powers of 一个好的小说家需要极大的构思力。 I have no ~ of what you mean. 我想不出你的意思是什么。 An actor must have a clear ~ of the part he is to play. 一个演员对他所要演的角色,必须要有一个清楚的了解。 2 [U, C] conceiving (2); becoming pregnant. 怀孕; 姙娠。 control, more precise, but less common, term for birth-control. 节制怀系 (为 birth-control 之较精确名辞,但较不普遍) 。




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