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单词 conceive
释义 conceive /kan'si: v; ksn'siv/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 10, 3A, 9, 14] ~ (of), form (an idea, plan, etc) in the mind: 想出 (一个主意、计划等); 构思; 想像: Who first ~d the idea of filling bags -with gas to make balloons? 谁最先想到充气体于袋中以制成汽球的? I can't ~ why you allowed/can't ~ of your allowing the child to travel alone. 我想不通你为什么让那孩子独自旅行。 I ~d that there must be some difficulties. 我料想到一定有些困难。 Why have you ~d such a dislike for me? 你为什么对我感到这样厌恶? 2 [VP2A, 6A] (of a woman) become pregnant: (指女人) 受孕; 怀孕: ~ a child. 怀孕。 conceivable adj that can be ~d or believed: 可想像的; 可相信的: It is hardly conceivable (to me) that ... (K) 简直难以想像…。 conceivably /-abli; -abli/ adv




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