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单词 press
press/pres/ n [-es / ɪz/]; v [-es / ɪz/]

n (1)压,按,挤,榨 (act of applying pressure or weight eg by pushing against sb or sth) [C, 通常sing]: flatten the dough with a~of one's hand 用手将面团压平;feel a~on one's arm 感觉胳膊上有压力;give a shirt a~熨衬衣;(trousers) need a~(裤子)需要烫一下;
 (2)用于压(榨,挤)的机器 (machine that makes or changes sth using pressure) [C] (尤用于合成词): a wine~葡萄压榨机;a cider-~苹果榨汁机;a trouser~熨裤机;a hydraulic~水压机;put the duck meat through a~将鸭肉用挤压机压一下;
 (3) 1)印刷机 (machine for printing) [C] [= printing-press]: Stop the~es! A piece of late news has come in. 关掉印刷机!又来了一条最新消息。(newspaper) come off the~(报纸)从印刷机上下来;send a manuscript to the~将手稿交付印刷; 2)印刷 (printing or being printed) [U]: have a report ready for the~写好一份报告准备印刷;The manuscript goes to~next week. 手稿下周开印。go to~付印;stop~停印;
 (4)新闻界,报界,报纸杂志,广播电视;记者们((journalists who work for) newspapers periodicals and the news sections of radio and television)[Gp, 常作 the P~]: the local/national/provincial~当地/全国/地方报纸;the gutter~专门刊登个人生活方面耸人听闻的消息的报纸;be given/have a good/bad~获新闻界好评/批评;The P~were not allowed to attend the trial. 不许新闻界出席审判。(minister) invite the P~to a meeting to explain his new plans (部长)邀请新闻界到会听他解释自己的新计划;protect the freedom of the~保护新闻自由;the liberty of the~出版自由; The book was favourably noticed by the~. 此书颇受新闻界的好评。meet the~会见记者;~advertising/comments/freedom/officers 新闻广告/评论/自由/发言人;~photographers 摄影记者;a~release (政府部门或政党等向新闻界发布的)新闻稿;~agents (剧团等雇用的)新闻广告员或报刊宣传员;the P~Association (略作 PA) (BrE) 新闻协会;a~baron/conference 报业巨子(大王)/记者招待会;~cuttings/AmE~clipping 剪报;There was a~campaign against him. 各报对他发动了一场攻击。He got to know a lot of the British~. 他认识了很多英国记者。〖同〗reporters, journalists, newspapermen;
 (5)出版社(业)(business for printing (and sometimes also for selling) books magazines etc) [C]: Cambridge/Oxford University P~ 剑桥/牛津大学出版社;a~specializing in medical/illustrated books 专门出版医学书/插图书的出版社;
 (6)一大群人;拥挤 (crowd or tight group of people; closely gathered condition) [U a~][N(of)]: a~of people/football fans 一大群人/球迷;work one's way through the~挤过人群;The little girl got/was lost in the~. 小女孩在人群中迷失/迷路了。There was a terrible~in the corridor. 走廊上挤满了人。〖同〗crowd,throng,swarm;
 (7)压力;紧张 (pressure haste or urgency) [U a~][N(of)]: the~of modern life 现代生活的压力;the~of business 业务的压力;The~of many duties keeps her busy. 诸多责任的压力使她很忙碌。〖同〗pressure,stress;
 (8)衣(柜)橱 (large cupboard or set of shelves for holding clothes books etc) [C]: a linen~衣橱;
 →′press-box n (足球或板球比赛中的)新闻记者席;′press-gallery n 议会或法庭等中的记者席;′pressman n 记者;印刷工人;
 v(1) 1)压,按,揿,扣,踩 (exert force or pressure against; bear down on) [T+n T+n+adv]:~the bell/the trigger 按铃/扣扳机;~(in) a button 按按钮;~a switch (up) 按开关;~down the lid 压紧盖子;~(down) the accelerator pedal of a car 踩下汽车的加速器踏板;〖同〗push; 2)(使)紧贴(挤压) ((cause to) push steadily against sth) [I+prep(against/on), T+n+prep(against/on/to)]: (sb's toe)~against the shoe (某人的脚趾)紧顶着鞋;(shoe)~(against) sb's toe (鞋)顶某人脚;~oneself against the wall/the tree 使自己紧贴着墙/树;The child~ed his face/his nose against the shop window. 孩子把脸/鼻子贴在商店的橱窗上。~together on the station platform 挤在站台上;~a handkerchief to one's nose 用手绢捂着鼻子;〖同〗push; 3)塞入 (put sth in a place by pushing steadily against it) [T+n+prep (into)]:~money/cotton into sb's hand/a hole 把钱/棉花塞进某人的手里/孔洞中;He tried to~more clothes into the case, but there was not enough room. 他试图把更多的衣服塞进箱子,但没有那么大的地方。Too many people were~ed into the room. 房间里挤进的人太多了。
 (2)榨(汁) (squeeze the juice or other contents from) [T+n C+n+adj]:~apples/olives 榨苹果/橄榄汁;~juice from or-anges 榨出橙子的汁;~grapes to make wine 榨葡萄汁酿酒;~fruit dry 榨干果汁;The pears are~ed to extract the juice. 榨梨取汁。〖同〗squeeze;
 (3)(用力或重物)压平;熨平 (use force or weight to get sth smooth or flat; apply heat and pressure to clothes to make them flat) [T+n C+n+adj]:~flowers by putting them between pages of a book. 在书页之间夹平花朵;~the soil flat with the back of a spade 用铁锨背拍平土壤;~pastry flat and thin 将面团压得又平又薄;Would you~the trousers/skirt for me? 给我熨一下裤子/裙子好吗?Your shirts certainly do need~ing. 你的衬衣当然都要熨一熨。~the pleats flat 将褶熨平;〖同〗smooth, iron,flatten;
 (4)紧握,拥抱(以表示亲热) (clasp or embrace as with affection) [T+n T+n+prep(to)]: He~ed my hand warmly when we met. 我们见面时,他热情地紧握着我的手。She~ed my hand/the puppy to her face/her bosom. 她把我的手/小狗贴在她的脸/胸脯上。The mother~ed the little boy to her heart. 母亲把小男孩紧紧抱在怀里。〖同〗embrace,hold;
 (5)催逼,敦促,力劝(try hard to persuade sb (to do sth)) [T+n T+n+prep(for), C+n+to-inf]: I don't want to~you. 我不想逼你。~sb for a debt/to pay a debt 逼迫某人还债;He~ed me for money/an answer. 他催我给钱/作出答复。He~ed me to have a cup of coffee/go with him/make a quick decision. 他极力劝我喝一杯咖啡/极力劝我和他一起去/敦促我迅速作出决定。〖同〗urge;
 (6)坚持要求 (demand or ask for urgently and repeatedly) [T+n]:~one's claim for compensation/one's case at the highest level坚持要求赔偿/案件由最高层审理;~a conciliatory approach on sb 坚持要求某人采取一种调解态度;
 be pressed for sth 缺乏,不够: We're very~ed for time/cash. 我们的时间/现金很不够用。
 press sth home 1)使到位: The attacks were~ed home despite determined resistance. 尽管遇到顽强的抵抗,还是坚持进攻到底。2)充分利用;强调:~home one's advantage 充分利用自己的有利条件;~home an argument/a point 强调一个论点/观点;
 press across/against/around etc (v prep) 挤过(着,在周围等)(vt): Newspaper reporters~ed round the Minister, urging him to give them a statement. 报社记者们挤在部长周围,要求他发表看法。P~your hand against the door as hard as you can, to make it shut. 用手尽力推,把门关紧。~through the throng to reach the stage 挤过人群走向讲台;
 press ahead/forward/on (with sth) (v adv) 加紧努力(做某事)(vi): I want you to~forward with that work. 我要你加紧努力做那项工作。
 press for (v prep) 急切地要求得到,迫切要求(vt):~for the nationalization of many basic industries/improved working conditions 迫切要求将许多基础工业国有化/改善工作条件;
 press sth from/out of/in sth 使压成:~car bodies out of sheets of steel 用钢板压制汽车外壳;
 press (down) on (v (adv) prep) 重压,压迫(vt): The taxes~ed down heavily on the people. 税赋沉重地压在人们身上。
 press sth on sb 强迫(某人)接受: They~ed money on her, but she would not take it. 他们极力要她收下钱,但是她不要。
 →′pressing adj 紧迫的;恳切(再三要求)的;n 压制的物品(如唱片);同一批压制的唱片;′pressingly adv紧迫地;恳切(再三要求)地;′press-stud (=infml popper; AmE ′snap fastener) n 按扣;′press-up (=AmE ′push-up) n 俯卧撑;′pressure n;
 【说明】press作为集合名词,作主语时谓语动词数的使用参见 AUDIENCE。





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