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单词 preserve
preserve/prɪ′zɜ:v, AmE -′zɜ:rv/ vt [-d,-d /d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]; n

vt (1)1)保护,维持 (keep unchanged or in perfect condition) [T+n]:~old buildings/one's eyesight 保护古老建筑/自己的视力;~our natural resources 保护我们的自然资源;(wax polish)~wood and leather (上光腊)保护木材和皮革;efforts to~peace 维护和平的努力;Policemen~order in the streets. 警察在街上维持秩序。a very well~d man of eighty 保养得很好的80岁老大爷; 2)使保留下来以传后世,使留存 (keep sth safe or alive for the future) [T+n T+n+prep(for)]: We must~his work for posterity. 我们必须使他的作品留传后世。Few of his early poems/manuscripts are~d. 他早期的诗/手稿没留下几首/份。Any sound can be recorded and~d on tape. 任何声音都可以录下来保存在磁带上。 3)保护 (某人免受伤害) (keep sb safe from harm or danger) [T+n T+n+prep (from)]: We prey that fate may~you from all harm. 我们祈祷命运保护你们免受伤害。God~us! 愿上帝保佑我们!a paint spray which~s sth from corrosion 保护某物不受腐蚀的一层喷漆;〖同〗save,protect,shelter;

(2)保持(avoid losing (sthretain) [T+n]:~one's sense of humour/self-respect/dignity/calmness 保持幽默感/自尊/尊严/镇静;She dieted constantly in order to~her youthful figure. 她经常节食以保持年轻的体形。〖同〗maintain;

(3)(以装罐,风干,冷冻等方式)保藏(存)(食品) (keep (food) from going bad (by canning drying freezing etc) [T+n]:~fruit/eggs/meat by freezing or bottling 用冷冻或装瓶的方法保藏水果/鸡蛋/肉;Fish are~d in ice and salt until they are sold. 鱼在售出之前用冰和盐保藏。You can have strawberries in winter if you~them in the summer. 如果你夏天把草莓保藏好,冬天就能吃到草莓。

(4)不准(他人狩猎或钓鱼) (maintain and reserve (gamefish etc) for private use in hunting or fishing) [T+n, 尤pass]: (fishing in this stretch of river) be strictly~d (在这段河里钓鱼)是严格禁止的;

→͵preser′vation n 保护(存,藏);维持(护);pre′servative adj 保护(存,藏)的;维持(护)的;n 保护剂;防腐剂;pre′server n 保护者;保存者;防腐物;防护物;

n (1) 1)果脯,蜜饯 (preserved fruit) [C, 通常pl]: apple/apricot~s 苹果/杏脯; 2)果酱 (jam) [U]: I like strawberry~. 我喜欢草莓酱。

(2)禁猎(渔)区 (place set apart for the protection of game or fish) [C];

(3)独占的事物 (sth regarded as belonging to a particular person) [C, 通常sing]: regard arranging flowers in the office/negotiating prices with customers as one's own/special~把在办公室里摆放鲜花/与顾客讨价还价看成是自己的特长;






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