释义 |
期期艾艾qī qī ài àistuttering; incoherent stammering; stumbling (ly); tongue-tied ❍ 半天,她只能~地说: “郑君才?祝贺你。你们怎么认识的呢?”(杨沫《青春之歌》436) After a long pause she went on hesitatingly:“Dai Yu? Well,congratulations! How did you meet?”/许宁突然满面涨红。平日这欢腾的爱笑爱闹的小伙子变得~地说不上话来。(杨沫《青春之歌》124)At these words,Xu Ning flushed,and this gay,lively lad,in whose company there was always laughter and merriment,suddenly became crest-fallen and tongue tied. ❍ 若飞同志有力的论证,驳得伪法官们张口结舌,~地讲不下去了,……(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》29) Wang’s powerful arguments tied the tongues of the Kuomintang judges and reduced them to incoherent stammering. 期期艾艾qi qi ai aistammer 期期艾艾qī qī ài ài形容有口吃的人说话不流利。stuttering, stammer, tongue-shy |