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单词 present
present1/′preznt/ adj [无comp]; n

adj (1) 1)出席(在座,到场)的(being in a particular place) [作pred] [A(at)]:I was~when they got married. 他们结婚时我在场。How many people were~at the meeting/the ceremony this morning? 今天早上有多少人出席会议/参加典礼?He was the only Englishman~. 他是在场的唯一一位英国人。〖反〗absent; 2)存在的,含有的 (existing in a place substance etc) [作pred][A(in)]: A leak was~somewhere along the pipe. 管道有渗漏。Carbon is~in many minerals. 许多矿物中都含有碳。Oxygen is~in the air. 空气中有氧气。The terrible events of ten years ago are still~to their minds. 10年前那些可怕的事件仍然萦绕在他们的心头。〖反〗absent;

(2)现在(存)的 (existing or happening now) [作attrib]: the~difficulties/problems/arrangement/situation/state of affairs/high prices 现在的困难/问题/安排/形势/状况/高价;the~government/council 现政府/议会;the~climate of opinion 目前的舆论;at the~time/moment 现在/眼下;to the~day 至今;in sb's~condition 就某人目前的状况看;〖同〗current,existent,now;

(3)正在被考虑(处理,讨论)的 (now being considered dealt with or talked about) [作attrib]: the~proposal for increasing taxation 正在考虑中的增加税收的建议;in the~case 在这件事中;the~volume 本书;

(4)现在时的(of or referring to the present tense) (gram): verbs in~tenses 各种现在时形式的动词;

present company excepted/excepting present company (用于礼貌地提出批评)我说的不包括在座各位: People seem to have drunk far too much tonight, excepting~company of course. 人们今晚好像都喝得太多了,当然不包括在座各位。

the present day 当前(代): return to the~day 回到当代;

on present form (指判断)根据一般情况看: She would not be elected on~form. 一般情况下,她不可能会当选。

→′present-day adj 当前(代)的;′presently adv 一会儿,不久,很快;现在,目前;′presence n;

n(1)现在,目前 (time now) [the~]: the past, the~and the future 过去、现在和将来;experience the~体验现在;(historical romances) offer an escape from the~(历史传奇故事)能使人逃避现实;

(2)现在时 (present tense) [C the~](gram)(=the present tense);

at present 现在,此刻: At~we are living in London. 我们现在正住在伦敦。






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