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单词 望秋先零

望秋先零wàng qiū xiān líng

wither before the coming of autumn—be too weak to stand the wind and frost; cannot stand the severe test
❍ 顾对曰: “松柏之姿,凌霜犹茂,臣蒲柳之质,~,受命之异也。” (刘义庆《世说新语·言语》) Ku replied: “Your Majesty have the nature of pines and cypresses that are still more luxuriant amid the ice and frost,while I have the character of rushes and willows that drop their leaves as they approach the autumn. It’s only the difference in the fate we’ve each received.

望秋先零wànɡ qiū xiān línɡ

零:凋零。看到秋天来了,就先枯萎凋落了。比喻身体衰弱,未老先衰。也比喻经不起考验。show the feebleness of old age while still young, cannot stand the severe test





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