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单词 望洋兴叹

望洋兴叹wàng yáng xīng tàn

lament one’s lit tleness before the vast ocean—bemoan one’s inade quacy in the face of a great task; view with despair the vast work to be done; feel powerless and frustrated
❍ 两年以后,便可以到大家以为女人不该有长头发的世界。这时长发女生,即有“~”之忧。(鲁迅《而已集·忧“天乳”》53) And two years later the whole of society will take it for granted that women should have short hair. By then long-haired girls will start worrying about their chances of entering school.

望洋兴叹wang yang xing tan

lament one’s smallness before the vast ocean—feel powerless and frustrated


lament one’s smallness(or bemoan one’s in adequacy,lament one’s ineptitude)in the face of an immense task;feel powerless and frustrated(注:望洋指抬头往上看的样子)

望洋兴叹wànɡ yánɡ xīnɡ tàn

望洋:抬起头来看的样子。原指看到别人的伟大,才感到自己的渺小。现多比喻做事力量不够或条件不充分,而感到无可奈何。lament one’s littleness before the vast, bemoan one’s inadequacy in the face of a great task





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更新时间:2025/3/2 4:50:58