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单词 望梅止渴

望梅止渴wàng méi zhǐ kě

quench one’s thirst bythinking of plums—console oneself with false hopes;Barmecide’s feast; feed on fancies; imagined sa tisfaction
❍ 白秀英道:“官人今日见一文也无,提甚三五两银子,正是教俺‘~,画饼充饥’。”(《水浒全传》641)Then Bai Xiuying said,“Sir,today you have nothing at all,and how is it you talk of three or five ounces of silver?It is as though you made my mouth water to quench my thirst;it is as though you gave me the picture of a loaf and bade me be fed.”/小王说: “~就是了,好比一说十四旅攻进来,就会腾的站起来干。” (梁斌《红旗谱》414)‘“To quench thirst,look at a plum,”’quoted Wang.“For instance,if the Fourteenth Brigade were to attack now,we’d stand up to it all right.”

望梅止渴wang mei zhi ke

look at plums to quench thirst—console oneself with false hopes


quench one’s thirst by thinking of sour plums—console oneself with false hopes;feed on fancies

望梅止渴wànɡ méi zhǐ kě

远远地看到酸梅就解了渴。比喻愿望无法实现,用空想来安慰自己。feel on fancies, console oneself with false hopes, satisfy oneself with fancies





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