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单词 望尘莫及

望尘莫及wàng chén mò jí

so far behind that onecan only see the dust of the rider ahead—too farbehind to catch up;too inferior to bear comparison;be far exceeded by;be hopelessly behind; be unequal to; lay a long way behind
❍ 新皇帝的狂妄野心达到了老皇帝~的地步。The ambitions of the new emperor far exceeded those of the old emperor.
❍ 今天赶早就跑到芝生他们校里催着出来;她那股热情,不但吴芝生~,就是柏青也像赶不上。(茅盾《子夜》 251) Early in the morning she had dashed round to the college to fetch Wu Zhisheng and his friend. In the matter of enthusiasm,she left them far behind.

望尘莫及wang chen mo ji

be so far behind that one can only see the dust raised by the rider ahead—fall way behind


fall far behind;be far too inferior;be too far behind to catch up;be too inferior to hear comparison

望尘莫及wànɡ chén mò jí

及:赶上。只望见前面人马所带起的尘土,却追赶不上。too inferior to bear comparison, fall far behind, unable to catch up with, be a far cry from





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