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单词 presence
presence/′prezns/ n [-s / ɪz/]

(1)出席,在(到)场 (act or state of being present in a place) [U]: Your~is requested at the club/the shareholder's meeting on Thursday. 敬请光临星期四的俱乐部/股东会议。His~during the crisis had a calming effect. 危机时期他在场能起到安定人心的作用。My~in the room was not noticed. 没有人注意到我在房间里。be aware of sb's~注意到某人在场;Your~at the meeting will help our cause. 你出席我们的会议将有助于我们的事业。detect the~of explosives探查出爆炸物的存在;〖同〗attendance,existence; 〖反〗absence;

(2)外表,仪容,态(风)度 (personal appearance and manner esp as it affects other people) [U a~]: a man of noble/great/poor~仪态高贵/潇洒/卑俗的人;sb's stage~某人在舞台上的风度;The old duchess certainly has~. 老公爵夫人当然很有气派。〖同〗look,air,manner,expression;

(3)(似乎)存在于某处的人或物 (spirit or influence that is or seems to be present in a place) [C, 通常sing]: There's the~of something evil in that old house. 在那所老房子里有某种邪恶的东西存在。An intangible, mysterious~seemed to be creeping closer upon them. 一种不可捉摸的神秘精灵似乎正在向他们爬来。

(4)(在某处用于特殊目的的)一群人(如军队或警察) (number of eg soldiers or policemen in a place for a special purpose) [U a~]: a massive police~at the meeting 在会议地点部署的大量警察;The United Nations maintains a military~in that area. 联合国在该地区驻有军队。

in the presence of sb/in sb's presence 当着某人的面,在某人面前: He signed his name in the~of two witnesses. 他当着两个证人的面签了名。

make one's presence felt 以自己的人格、能力等使自己受人注意: The new chief police officer quickly made his~felt, and there was much less crime in the town after his ideas were put into practice. 新警察局长很快受到瞩目,他的想法付诸实施后,城里的犯罪大为减少。

presence of mind 镇定,沉着: Thanks to his~of mind, the children were saved. 由于他的沉着冷静,那些孩子们才得救了。

←′present1 adj





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