释义 |
服服帖帖fú fú tiē tiēbe at sb’s beck and call;be docile (/obedient/submissive); take it lying down ❍ 如今,连亚来这样的“烂”娃,也成了人上人,老八倒得~听他们的指拨,你要想不听他们那一套,就会招得半村人拿指头戳你的脊背,甚至不愿跟你在一个粪堆上翻粪,弄得你处处碰壁。(王汶石《风雪之夜》199) Now even a small fry like Yalai had become cock of the walk. You had to be at his beck and call,or else half of the village would keep you at arm’s |ength. Oh,they would even refuse to work with you on a dung hill,thus driving you from pillar to post. |