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单词 company
释义 company /'kAmpam; 'kAmpani/ n 1 [U] being together with another or others: 伴随; 陪伴; 与他人在一起: I shall be glad of your ~ (= to have you with me) on the journey. 我将很高兴与你同行。 be good/poor/bad/excel lent, etc ~, be a good, etc, companion (3). 与人很 (不很,极等) 合得来的同伴。 for ~,to provide companionship: 作为同伴; 陪伴: /' go with you as far as the station for ~. 我将陪伴你到车站。 in ~ (with), together (with): (与…) 一同; 一起: He came in ~ with a group of boys. 他与一群男孩子同来。 We went in 我们一起去的。 keep sb ~; keep ~ with sb. be or go with him: 陪伴某人: He stayed at home to keep his wife ~. 他留在家里陪伴太太。 part ~ (with sb), cpart,(1). 2 [U] group of persons; number of guests: 人群; 一薜客人: We're expecting ~ (= guests, visitors) nixt week. 我们下星期将有客人来访。 He's not well enough to receive a great deal of ~, many visitors, 他的健康尚未十分恢复,不能接见很多访客。 sin in good ~, better men have done the same. 人非圣贤,执能无过。 3 [U] persons with whom one spends one's time: 商声; 伙伴; 友伴: You may know a man by the ~ he keeps, judge his character by his friends, 看他与什么人来往,你就可以知道他是个什么样的人。 Don't get into/keep bad ~, Don't become friendly with/mix with bad persons. 勿与坏人交往。 4 (often 常作 C~, abbr 略作 Co) [C]. (pl -nies) number of persons united for business or commerce: (由若干人组成经营商业的) 公司: a steamship ~. 轮船公司。 a Limited (Liability C~, C~ whose partners are not named in the title: 有限责任公司; 商号上不列合伙人姓名的公司: J, S 'Smith Co. 史密斯公司 (及其合伙人) 。 5 number of persons working together: 一队 (在一起工作的人):a ~ of players, actors who perform plays together; 一麻在一起演戏的演员; a theatrical ~; 剧团; 剧社; 戏班; the ship's the crew. 船上的全体船员。 6 subdivision of an infantry battalion, commanded by a captain or major. 连 (步兵营以下之单位,由上尉或少校指挥) 。




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