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单词 朋比为奸

朋比为奸péng bǐ wéi jiān

act in collusion (with);associate for treasonable (/traitorous) purposes;claw me and I’ll claw thee; collaborate in villainy;collude with; conspire (together for evil ends); gang up; scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours;work hand in glove with
❍ 否则便可能引起我的疑心,认为他们~,…… (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》370) …or else I would suspect that they had conspired with each other,…/十人~,号为“十常侍”。(《三国演义》2) Ten of them,rivals in wickedness and associated in evil deeds.
❍ 于是花钱消灾的朋友感激他的营救,跟他~的上级赞赏他的才能。(高云览《小城春秋》223) The friends whose money he stole were extremely grateful to him,and the superior to whom he had betrayed them and with whom he had ganged up praised his capabilities.

朋比为奸peng bi wei jian

act in collusion

朋比为奸pénɡ bǐ wéi jiān

朋比:互相勾结。形容坏人互相勾结干坏事。gang up, work hand in glove, act in collusion with





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