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单词 common
释义 common1 /'koman; 'komsn/ adj 1 belonging to, used by, coming from, done by, affecting, all or nearly all members of a group or society: (为团体或社会所有或几乎所有之分子所) 共有的; 公用的; 共同的; 共为的; 共受影响的: The husband is French, the wife German, and the lodger Italian, but they have English as。 ~ language, they can all use English. 丈夫是法国人,妻子是德国人,房客是意大利人,但是英语是他们的共同语言。 It is to the - advantage (=to everyone's advantage) that street traffic should be well controlled. 街市上的交通应善加首理,这是为了大家的利益。 ~ground, (fig) basis for argument accepted by persons in a dispute, etc. (喻) (辩论等之双方所承认的) 共同立论基础。 ~ knowledge. what is known to most persons, esp in a group: (尤指某一团体内) 大多数人所知道之事: It was ~ knowledge among bankers that... .… 是银行界人所共知之事。 Cf 参较 general knowledge. land, land that belongs to, or may be used by, the community, esp in a village. (为全社区,尤指全村,所共有或可共同使用的) 公地。 common1 ⑴. ~ factor/multiple, (maths) belonging to two or more quantities. (簸学) 公因子 (公倍数)。 ~ law, (in England) unwritten law developed from old customs, eg in Saxon and Danish times, and decisions made by judges. (英国由古代,如撒克逊和丹麦时代,的习惯及法官判例所发展成的) 不成文法; 习惯法。 → statute law at statute, and case-law at case1 (2). ~ law wife, woman with whom a man lives, as if she were his wife, but without marrying her. 非正式太太 (与男人同居,却未办正式婚姻手绩的女人 the C~Market n (officially the European Economic Community, economic, social and political association, established in 1958, of Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany, since enlarged in 1973 by the inclusion of Britain, Ireland and Denmark, with associate membership (for economic preferences) by other countries. 欧洲共同市场 (正式名称作 the European EconorrUc Community, 于 1958 年由比利时、法国、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰及西德所组成之经济、社会及政治的联盟,此后由于 1973 年英国、爱尔兰共和国及丹麦之纳入组织而扩大,尙有其他以经济利益为优先的准会员国家) 。 ~ noun, (gram) name that can be used for any member of a class, eg book or knife. (文法) 普通名词 (可用以指同类事物之任何一个之名精,如 book 或 knife) → a ~nuisance, an offence that is harmful to the community and for which there is legal remedy. 妨害治安行为 (有害于社会, 法律并订有制裁办法者) 。→ also cause and prayer.' ~, room, room for use -of the teachers or students at a school, college, etc. (4 小学、大学等之) 敎师室; 敎授室厚生室。 2 usual and ordinary; happening or found often and in many places: 普通的; 常见的; 常常发生的; 到处可见的: a ~ ger; 常见的花; a ~ experience. 普通的经验。 Pine-trees are ~ in many parts of the world. 松树在世界上许多地方都很常见。 Is this word in ~ use? 这个字常用吗? the ~man/people, the ordinary or average citizen(s): 常人; 普通人; 老百姓: The ~ man in every country wants peace. 每一个国家的老百姓都想要和平。 ~metre, hymn stanza of 4 lines, with 8, 6, 8, 6 syllables. 普通韵律 (赞美诗用之,四行一节, 各行音节数目为 8,6, 8,6) 。 ~ sense, practical good sense gained by experience of life, not by special study. 常识 (由生活经验得来,而非由特别研究得来的实用判断力) 。 ~time/measure, two or four beats in a bar. (音乐) 普通拍子 (每小节两拍或四拍) 。 3 (colloq) (of persons, their behaviour and possessions) vulgar; of inferior quality or taste: (俗) (指人、其行为及所有物) 粗鄙的; 劣等的; 低级的: ~ manners; 粗鄙的举止; speak with a ~ accent; 以粗俗的口音说话; a girl who looks ~ /who wears ~ clothes. 貌不美 (穿粗劣衣服) 的女子。~世 adv 1 usually: 通常地: That very ~ly happens. 那事极常发生。 Thomas, ~ly called Tom. 汤玛斯,通常呼为汤姆。 2 in a ~ (3) way: 粗鄙地; 粗劣地: ~ly dressed. 衣着粗劣的。




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