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单词 有条有理

有条有理yǒu tiáo yǒu lǐ

coherent; methodical;orderly; properly and logically arranged;systematical (ly); well-organized and clearly stated
❍ 上过高小,文化水平使他在和平环境下的一切都是~的,打个工作报告,会上发表意见,总是大队上呱呱叫的好手,……(徐光耀《平原烈火》26) Yiping had had some schooling,and all his actions were neat and methodical—before the fighting started. He could give good reports and make reasonable suggestions at meetings. He was considered one of the top men in the battalion.
❍ 张华峰说得那么~,不慌不忙,有分寸,又有感情。(吴强《红日》264) Zhang Huafeng had spoken so systematically,so calmly and unhurriedly.
❍ 在会上,大家都争着发言,兴奋地谈着进山后所看到的一切,特别是彭亮和小坡,是那么~的,在讲着各方面给予自己的教育,说得大家都感动的不住点头。(知侠《铁道游击队》260) Everyone was eager to speak at the meeting.The talk was animated,and Peng Liang and Xiaopo were especially fluent,as they systematically related what they had learned from their sojourn in the mountains. Their moving words won constant approval from their comrades.
❍ 她讲起话来,象流水般的~,左右逢源。(王汶石《风雪之夜》127) When she talked,her words flowed easily and incessantly,and her thoughts were very methodical and comprehen sive,thus she could gain advantage from both sides.

有条有理yǒu tiáo yǒu lǐ

比喻人说话、做事有条不紊。orderly, systematic, like a clock





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