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单词 commission
释义 commission /ka'mifn; ka'mijan/ n 1 [U] the giving of authority to sb to act for another; [C] instance of this; [C] action or piece of business that is done: 授权某人代办; 委托; 所办之事: He has secured two ~s to design buildings for a local authority. 他已承包两起为当地政府设计建筑物的业务。 2 [U] performance or committing (of crime). 犯 (罪) 。 3 [C, U] payment to sb for selling goods, etc, rising in proportion to the results gained: (请人销售货物等, 按获利比例所付的) 佣金; 酬劳金; 回扣: He receives a of 10 per cent on sales, as well as a salary. 他按销售数晕收取百分之十的倜金,另外还有一份薪水。 on ~, drawing a percentage of the receipts: 抽佣金: to sett goods on ~. 按抽佣金办法售货。 4 [C] official paper (called a warrant) giving authority; (esp) (in GB) warrant signed by the Sovereign appointing an officer in the armed services: 任官令; 委任状; (尤指英国由君主签署的) 军职任命状: get/resign one's ~. 获得 (辞去) 军职。 5 [C] body of persons given the duty of making an inquiry and writing a report: 考察团; 调査团 (由若干人组成受命调査某事并作成报吿之团体); 委员会: a Royal C~ to report on betting and gambling. 由英王委派的调査赌博的委员会。 6 group of people legally authorized to discharge a task. 合法受权执行某一任务的一群人。 C ~ of the 'Peace, Justices of the Peace collectively. (集合用法) 保安官; 治安法官。 7 in ~, (eg of a ship) with crew and supplies complete; ready for sea. (指船只等) 人员及供应品均齐备的; 已准备好即可出海的。 out of ~, kept in reserve; not in working order; (fig) not working, not available. 保留的; 后备的; 损坏了的; (喻) 不能用的。 vt [VP6A, 17] give a ~⑴ to: 委托; 请托: ~ an artist to paint a portrait; 请画家划一张肖像; be ~ed to buy books for a friend. Z 托替友人买书。 commissioned adj (of officers) holding rank by ~ (4). (指军官) 经过委任保有官阶的; 受委任的。 non-~ed.




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