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单词 有恃无恐

有恃无恐yǒu shì wú kǒng

assured of support;be emboldened by sb’s backing (/support); be fearless with sb standing four square behind one;count on one’s (own) cards; fear nothing with sb at his back; feel reassured and emboldened; securein the knowledge that one has strong backing
❍ 我有了东京的好消息,也是~的。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》324) I had been emboldened by the encouraging news from Tokyo…/齐侯曰: “室如悬罄,野无青草,何恃而不恐?” (《左传·僖二十六年》) “Your houses,” said the marquis,“are empty as a hanging musical stone,and in your fields there is no green grass;——on what do they rely that they are not afraid?”/但是仍然需要注意建立中心区域的坚实基础,以备白色恐怖到来时有所恃而不恐。(《毛泽东选集》56) However,we must take care to lay a solid foundation in the central districts so that we shall have something secure to rely on when the White terror strikes.


secure in the knowledge that one has strong backing; feel reassured and emboldened;have something secure to rely on; be emboldened by sb’s support;With someone at his back,he does not fear anything.
他~,敢于裹挟民意。He has thrown caution to the wind and has taken hostage of the public opinion./~地派兵侵占它的领土brazenly send troops to invade and occupy its territory

有恃无恐yǒu shì wú kǒnɡ

恃:依仗、依靠;恐:害怕。因为有所依仗就胆大妄为,无所顾忌。emboldened by sb.’s backing, secure in the knowledge that one has strong backing, feel reassured and emboldened





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