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单词 有始无终

有始无终yǒu shǐ wú zhōng

bring sth. to an end without any results; start sth. but fail to carry it through
❍ 待查到最后那个第九棚,将近收操时候了,还只检查两个铺位,施化龙就喊: “好! 算了,算了。” 就这样~地收了场。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—184) By thetime the search had begun in the quarters of the 9th Squad,the drill hour for that morning had passed. In spite of the fact that the search party had only gone through two beds,Shi shouted: “All right,let’s call it off!”The search was thus brought to an end withoutany results.
❍ 这是我知道的,凡我所编辑的期刊,大概是因为往往~之故罢,销行一向就甚为寥落,……(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ—147) I was aware of this. All the magazinesI edit have a very poor circulation,quite likely because they often cease publication suddenly.

有始无终yǒu shǐ wú zhōnɡ

有开头却没有结尾。指做事半途而废,不能坚持下去。start sth. but fail to carry it through, start sth. but not carry it through, begin well but end badly





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