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单词 有备无患

有备无患备而无患yǒu bèi wú huàn

be (/get) prepared against want (/any eventualities); be prepared and you won’t be sorry; if one is prepared,he will be safe; preparedness averts peril; pre paredness (/provision/forethought) prevents cal amity; readiness is all; where there is precaution,there is no danger; with all precautions taken,one is safe
❍ 他自己点头说,应该多带几本,纵然不能全部用完,也是备而无患,免得临时要没有。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—477) He nodded and said to himself that he should take a few more copies,for even if he could not dispose of them all it was better to be safe than sorry,in case he should not have one on hand when needed.
❍ 但是开始准备的时机问题,一般地说来,与其失之过迟,不如失之过早。因为后者的损失较之前者为小,而其利益,则是~,根本上立于不败之地。(《毛泽东选集》185)Generally speaking,however,on the question of timing the preparations,it is preferable to start them too early rather than too late. For the former involves smaller losses and has the advantage that preparedness averts peril and puts us in a fundamentally invincible position.
❍ 书曰: “居安思危。”思则有备,~。(《左传·襄十一年》) The Book of History says,“In a position of security,think of peril.” If you think thus,you will make preparation against the danger,and with the preparation there will be no calamity.

有备无患you bei wu huan

where there is precaution,there is no danger


preparedness will avert peril
有备才能无患,无备必定吃亏。If one is prepared,one will be safe; if not,one will suffer.or:Preparedness ensures security;unpreparedness invites disaster.

有备无患yǒu bèi wú huàn

患:灾祸,灾难。形容事先有准备就可以避免灾难。preparedness averts peril, be prepared against want, readiness is all





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