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单词 有名无实

有名无实yǒu míng wú shí

an empty name withoutany meaning; merely ceremonial; enjoy an un warranted reputation; exist only in name; figure-head; in name but not in fact (/reality); onlynominal; symbolic; titular(ly)
❍ 是呀,这叫有其名,无其实。(周立波《山乡巨变》138) Yes,this really is a case of an empty name without any meaning.
❍ 但是册子上的产业,若是实有还好,生怕~了。(《红楼梦》1464)If the properties entered in our books really exist,then we should be all right. I only fear they may beempty names.
❍ 我也有这个意见,在公会办事总觉得别扭,许多执行委员,经常不去,公会下面的几个委员会~,有的委员会老板们挂了名也不掌握,象公营代表一样,根本不大来。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—261) That’s justwhat I think myself. I always find it awkward working in the association:a lot of the members of the executive committee never attend,the lower committees inside the association exist only in name,and in the case of some of the comittees the mill owners are nominally members but don’t get any control over them and hardly ever put in an appearance,like the representatives from the state-owned concerns.
❍ 其实究竟是谁“~”,他是始终没有懂得的。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—276) Actually he has no inkling of who is really something “in name but not in fact.”/倘或不听教训,还求太爷认真的管教他,才不至~的,白耽误了他的一世。(《红楼梦》1066) If he is dis-obedient,I hope you will discipline him thoroughly,so that his life won’t be wasted for lack of solidlearning.
❍ 这分明是~的,却塞得住这小厮的嘴。(《儒林外史》 176) …and thought these two enough hundred don’t actually exist,it will be enough to stop the scoundrel’s mouth.
❍ 在这个医院里,大约除了贾克逊以外,最有势力的人就是他了,因为校长和院长都是~的,贾克逊和他故意请一些他们认为是好好先生的来充任,做招牌。(曹禺《明朗的天》11) Next to Jackson,Jiang isperhaps the most influential man in the Medical College because the college president and the hospital superintendent are only nominal heads,being “yes-men” deliberately invited by Jackson and Jiang to fillsuch posts and to use them as figureheads.
❍ 人说诸葛亮用兵如神,原来~!(罗贯中《三国演义》553) Peopletalk of Zhuge Liang’s superhuman military genius; I say his reputation is false.


in name but not in reality;merely nominal;titular

有名无实yǒu mínɡ wú shí

徒有虚名,一点实际用处都没有。in name but not in reality, exist in name only, be merely a name, impressive but worthless





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