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单词 command
释义 command1 /ka'ma: nd US: -'maend; ka'maend/ vt vi 1 [VP6A, 17, 9, 2A] order (usu with the right to be obeyed): 命令(通常有使对方必须服从之权): Do ~ (you). 照我的命令去做。 The officer ~ed his men to fire. 那军官命令其部下开火。 The pirate chief ~ed that the prisoners should be shot. 海话首领下令将俘虏枪杀。 God ~s and man obeys. 上帝命令,人服从。 2 [VP6A, 2A] have authority over; be in control of: 统率; 指挥: The captain of a ship ~s all the officers and men. IE 长统率舰上全体官兵。 Who ~s the army? 谁指挥陆军? Who ~s here? 这里由谁指挥? 3 [VP6A] restrain; hold back; control (the more usu word): 抑制; 克制; 控制(较常用 control): ~ oneself/one's temper/one's passions. 克制自己(自己的脾气,自己的情感)。 4 [VP6A] be in a position to use; have at one's service: 可以使用; 能够支配: He ~s great sums of money, is able to use them if he so wishes. 他可以支配大笔的款子。 A Minister of State ~s the services of many officials. 国务大臣可以支配许多官员。 5 [VP6A] deserve and get: 应该得到并且得到; 博得: Great men ~ our respect. 伟人旻我们负: 敬。 He ~s the sympathy of all who have heard the story of his sufferings. 他的苦难遭遇博得所有听众的同情。 6 [VP6A] (of a place) be in a position that overlooks (and may. control): (指地点)俯视(也可以控制): The fort ~ed the entrance to the valley. 该砺堡俯视(控制) 山谷的人口。 The hill ~ a fine view, a fine view can be obtained from the top. 此山俯览一片美景。 ~ing adj that ~s: 命令的; 指挥的: the ~ing officer; 司令官; 指挥官; in a ~ing tone; 以命令的口吻; in a ~ing position. 居于指挥的地位。




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