释义 |
有加无已有增无已yǒu jiā wú yǐbe on the increase;be on the rise; ever-increasing;increase with no let up; increasingly; step up ceaselessly ❍ 寡君寝疾,于今三月矣,并走群望,有加而无瘳。(《左传·昭十年》)Our ruler has been ill in bed,now for three months. We have been all running about and sa crificing to all the hills and streams in Qing but his illness has got worse instead of better. ❍ 他们的军备竞赛有增无已,军事演习搞个不停。Their arms race in creased with no let up and there was no end to military exercises. ❍ 他们一方力图追赶和压倒另一方,正展开空前激烈的军备竞赛,军备开支有增无已。Trying hard to catch up with and surpass each other,they are enga ged in the fiercest arms race in human history,their arms expenditures mounting without stop. 有加无已yǒu jiā wú yǐ无已:没有止境。不断增加或发展得没有尽头。形容事物的发展不断加深,不断厉害。become more serious, ever-increasing, increasingly |