❶be advantageous (or beneficial,favorable,conducive) to;contribute to;help;serve
❷in the interest of;to the advantage of
军事力量对比开始转向~于对方。The military balance began to tip in favor of the other side./营造~于发展中国家的国际环境create an enabling international environment for developing countries/向~于人民的方向发展develop in a direction favorable to the people /形势对我们~。The situation is to our advantage./~时机opportune time/~条件favorable conditions (or terms);advantage;asset/~于打败侵略者contribute to the defeat of the aggressors/~于改进工作作风help improve the style of work /~国计民生beneficial to national welfare and the people’s livelihood/~于环境保护的environmentally friendly /~于世界和平be in the interest of world peace