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单词 comfort
释义 comfort /'kAtnfst; 'kAmfwt/ n 1 [U] state of being free from suffering, anxiety, pain, etc; contentment; physical well-being; 舒服; 舒适 (无忧无虑无痛无苦的状态); 满足; (身体的) 安逸: become fond of ~ as one grows old; 人年纪大了就变得喜欢安逸; living in great ~. 生活极为舒适。 2 [U] help or kindness to sb who is suffering: (对受痛苦者的) 安慰; 慰 D: a few words of ~; 几句安慰的话; news that brought ~ to all of us. 令我们大家都感到安慰的消息。 cold —. not much consolation. 无关痛痒的安慰。 3 [C] person or thing that brings relief or help: 带来安慰的人或事物: Your letters have been a great ~ to /ne. 你的来信给了我很大的安慰。 Ifs a ~ to know that she is safe. 知道她平安无事, 是一项安慰。 The hotel has every modern ~ /all modern ~s. 这旅馆中有各种现代设备。 '~ station, (US) public lavatory. (美) 公共厕所。 vt [VP6A] give ~ to: 安慰; 鼓舞: ~ those who are in trouble. 安慰处于困蛍的人。 The child ran to its mother to be ~ed. 那孩子跑到妈妈身边使得到安慰。 '~less adj without ~: 不舒适的: a ~less room. 不舒适的房间。




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