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单词 prefer
prefer/prɪ′fɜ:(r)/ vt [-rr-; -ing /rɪ ŋ/]

宁愿要,更喜欢 (choose one thing or action rather than another; like sth better) [T+n T+n+prep(to), T+that T+to-inf C+n+to-inf T+ing C+n+adj]: Which would you~, coffee or tea? 你喜欢什么,咖啡还是茶?~walking to cycling/study to amusement of any kind 喜欢走路而不喜欢骑车/学习而不是任何娱乐;I~that you come on Monday instead of on Tuesday. 我更愿意你星期一而不是星期二来。~to live among the working people/go there by bus 更喜欢生活在劳动人民中间/乘公共汽车去那里;She would~to go with you rather than stay here. 她宁肯与你同去也不愿意待在这里。~sb to be home early/the matter to be discussed at the next meeting 更愿意某人早早回家/下次会上讨论这件事;~spending summer by oneself/making speeches after careful preparation/being alone 更喜欢自己一个人度过夏天/认真准备后再讲话/一个人独处;~one's coffee black 更喜欢咖啡不加糖;〖同〗 favour,choose,select; 〖反〗reject;

prefer a charge/charges (against sb) 控告(某人):~a charge against a motorist 控告一个汽车司机;

→′preferable adj 更可取(称心)的;′preferably adv 更可取地,宁可;pre′ferment n 提升;升级;(购置财产等的)优先权;′preference n;






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