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单词 come
释义 come /kAm; kAm/ vi (pt came /keim; kem/, pp come) (For uses with adverbial particles and preps, → 16 below). (与副词接语及介词连用之用法,参看下列第 16 义)。 1 [VP2A, B, C, 3A] ~ (to/ from) (with), a move to be with sb, or to be at a place specified: 来(向说话的人移近); 来到(某一地方): C~ here! 到这里来! Are you coming to my party? 你来参加我的宴会吗? May 1 come to your party? 我可以参加你的宴会吗? Who are you coming with? 你同谁一起来? I'll be coming with Keith. 我将和基斯一起来。 I've only ~ for an hour. 我才来了一小时。 b arrive: 到达: Help has ~. 援助到了。 They came to a river. 他们来到了一条河边。 He's just ~ from Leeds. 他刚从里玆来。 c [VP4A with infinitive of purpose, 与表示目的之不定词连用,3A] J (for), move, travel, arrive: (伪…)行动,旅行, 到来: He has ~ here to work. 他已来此工作。 They've ~ all the way from London to look for jobs. 他们老远从伦敦来找工作。 He's ~ to get/ ~ for his book. 他已来取他的书。 They've ~ for (= to get) me. ,他们为我而来 (他们来找我的,来接我的)! C ~ to see what I've done (colloq 俗 C ~ and see what I've done, → and ⑸). 过来看我做了些什么。( d) [VP2E] (with a pres p to indicate two activities or states that occur together): (与现在分词连用,表示发生在一起的两个活动或情况): The children came running (→ ran) to meet us. 孩子们跑着来迎接我们。 He came hurrying hurried) to her bedside as soon as he heard she was ill. 一听到她生病了,他就赶着来到她的床边。 SAe came smiling/crying up to me. 她笑着(哭着) 来到我面前。 2 [VP2C, E] ~ (into/ onto/in/ on, etc), move into, etc the place where the speaker is: 进入(说话者的地方); 来到(…地方): C ~ into the hallway out of the rain. 到走廊里泰避雨。 The train came puffing into the station. 火车喷着烟驶入车站。 Can you ~ out with me for a valk? 你能跟我出来散散步吗? He came back to have a word with me. 他回来跟我谈谈。 The sunshine came streaming through the windows. 阳光自窗户射入。 3 [VP3A] a ~ to sth. reach; rise to; fall to (a particular level, figure, point): 到达; 升至; 降临于; 落至(某一水准、数字、点): Your bill ~s to £20. 你的帐单计达二十镑。 His earnings ~ to more than £5000 a year. 他一年所赚的钱超过五千镑。 - to much/little/nothing, amount to much, etc: 很有(无甚、没有)结果或作为: All his plans came to nothing, had no result, no success. 他所有的计划都归失败。 He will never ~ to much, will never be successful, etc. 他将来绝不会很有作为。 ~ to this/ that, etc, reach the state of affairs indicated, or a particular state of affairs: 达到上下文所暗示的某种地步; 达到某种情况: What you say ~s to this, means this. 你所说的话就是这个意思。 When it ~s to helping his wife with the housework, John never grumbles. 临到约翰帮忙他太太做家事时, 他从不会出怨言。 If it ~s to that..., If that is the state of affairs.... 如果事已至此…。 b (in fixed phrases) reach the state or condition indicated by the nouns for which there is often an equivalent verb. (用于固定片语中)达到片语中名词所表明的情况, 此等名词常有意义相当的动词。 → the noun entries. 参看以下各片语之名词。 ~ to an agreement, agree. 达成协议。 ~ to blows (with), start fighting. 开始打架; (与…)互殴。 ~to s decision, decide. 决定。 ~ to an end. end, finish. 终止; 结束。 ~ to fruition, ripen, mature. 成熟。 ~ t。a halt/standstill, stop. 停止; 静止。 ~ to light, become known; be revealed or discovered. 被知晓; 被揭露; 被发现; 显露。 ~ to one's notice/attention, be noticed, 被人注意; 引人注意。 ~ to one's senses/oneself, a become conscious after fainting' (昏厥后)恢复知觉; 苏醒; 复苏。 b become sensible or normal after behaving foolishly. (行为一度糊涂后)恢复明智或正常。 ~ to terms (with sb), reach an agreement. (与某人) 达成协议。 4 (used with into in numerous phrases) reach the state or condition indicated by the nouns. (与 into 连用于许多片语中)达到片语中名词所表明的情况。 → the nouns in the phrases. 参看片语命的 4 名词。 ~ into blossom/bud/flower/ leaf, begin to have blossom, buds, etc. 开始开花 (发芽,开花,发叶)。 ~ into contact (with sb/ sth), meet sb, touch sth. (与某人)会面; 接头; (与某事物)接触。 ~ into focus, be sharply defined; become prominent. 轮廓分明; 变为明显。 ~ into money/a fortune/a legacy, etc, receive, inherit it. 接受、承权或获得一笔金钱(财产,遗产等)。 ~ into operation, start to operate. 开始操作; 开始军事行动。 ~ into one's own, receive the credit, fame, etc that one deserves, what rightly belongs to one, etc, 得到其所应得(如荣馨、名誉等或属其所有之物)。 ~ into power, (of a political party, etc) form the Government. (指政党等)取得政权; 组织政府。 Cf 参较 go into Opposition. 成为反对党(在野党)。 ~ into sight/view, appear. 出现; 显现。→ also collision, effect 。), existence at exist, fashion(2), force (5), line (11), open(n), play' (8), possession(l), prominence at prominent, question1 (2), uss'(1) 6 ~ to sb (from sb), be left, willed, to sb (by Will and Testament, on death): (某人死时经由遗嘱)遗留或遗赠给某人: He has a lot of money coming to him, will receive it, eg when sb dies. 他将获得一大笔遗赠的钱(例如当某人去世后)。 The farm came to him on his father's death. 他父亲去世时遗留给他那农场。 6 ~ sb, occur to, strike sb; befall sb: 发生在某人身上; 使某人想起; 降临于某人: The idea came (- occurred) to him in his bath. 他在洗澡时想起那主意。 No harm will ~ to you if you're careful. 只要你小心,你不会遭遇损害的。 He had it coming to him, (si used only of unpleasant events) what happened was fated, and probably deserved. (俚,仅用以指不愉快的事件,极可能是其所应得的)他活该有这样的遭遇。 7 [VP4A] reach a point where one sees, understands, etc: 到达了明白、了解等之点: He came to realize that he was mistaken. 他终于明白他错了。 He had ~ to see the problem in a new light. 他终于对此问题获得新的认识。 I have ~ to believe that..., I now believe that.... 我现在相信 … To When we ~ to know them better.... 对他们认识淸楚一点的时候…。 8 [VP4A] (usu with how) asking for an explanation or reason: (通常与 how 连用)要求解释或说明理由: How did you ~ (archaic 古, How came you) to find out where she's living? 你如何打听到她住在哪里? How did you ~ to be so foolish? 你为什么如此愚蠢? (Now that /) ~ (-happen) to think of it.... (既然我) 想到了它…。 How ~ (that), (sl) How does/did sth happen: '(俚) … 是如何发生的 ; … 是怎么回事: How ~ (that) you just sat there doing nothing? 你只坐在那里什么事也没做,是怎么回事? 9 [VP2C] occur; be found; have as its place: 发生; 出现; 在: May ~s between April and June. 五月在四月与六月之间。 On what page does it ~? 它在哪一页? His resignation came as a surprise/It came as a surprise Men he resigned. 他的辞职令人惊异。 10 。 [VP2C, D] be; become; prove to be: 成为; 证实为: Your dream will one day ~ true, be realized. 你的梦想将来有一天会实现。 It ~s easily with practice. 一经练习,就很容易。 The handle has ~ loose. 把柄松了。 It ~s cheaper if you buy things in bulk. 大批购物会便宜些。 Everything will ~ (all) right in the end. 一切问题终会解决; 一切困难终会过去。 That sort of thing ~ naturally to her, she does it without having to learn or make an effort. 那种事倩她不学自会。 be as dever/stupid, etc as they ~, be very clever/stupid, etc, 非常聪明(愚蠢等)。 11 [VP2D] (with part adj prefixed with un-, denoting undesirable conditions, etc) become: (与带字首 un- 之分词形容词连用,表示不良的情况等)成为; 变成: My shoelaces have ~ undone. 我的牡带松开亍。 The seam came unstitched. 衣缝绽线亍。 The flap of the envelope has ~ unstuck. 信封口两粘胶不店了。匚〉 unstuck for a colloq use. KN unstuck 的口兰用法。 12 [VP2D] (with a n or adj, usu with the def art, used adverbially as the nominal part of the predicate) (colloq) play the part of: behave, talk, etc as if one were (often with the suggestion of overdoing sth): (与通常加定冠词之名词或形容词连用,作副词用,为述语的名词部分) (俗) 担任…之角色; 行为、谈话等宛如(常暗示'做得过火 ') : Don't ~ the bully/the high and mighty over me, don't (try to) bully me, 不要想恃强欺侮我。 He tried to ~ the artful/virtuous over me, impress me by being artful/virtuous. 他想对我耍手段(他在我面前故作善良)。 That's coming it a bit strong, is (要求或说) 得太过火了一点。 for the heavy swell. 13 making an extravagant claim or assertion, 那做 calso the noun entry (as a fo-inf, used as a pred adj) future: (以不定词形式,用作敍述形容词) 将来的; 未柬的: in years to ~; 在未来的年岁里; books to forthcoming books; 行将出版的书籍; the life to life in the next world; 叶生, some time to for a period of time in the future. 在将来的一段时期。 14 (colloq uses): (俗语用法): two years ~ Christmas, two years including the time from now to Christmas. 从过去的某时算起到下一个圣诞节的两年间(包括从现在至圣诞节之一段期间)。 She will be 21 ~ May, when May xomes, ie next May. 她将于(明年或今年)五月满二十一岁。 Mary is coming ten, is in her tenth year, will be ten on her next birthday. 玛莉快十岁了(到了她生日的那一天就满十岁)。 15 [VP2A] (colloq) reach orgasm. (俗)达到性交高潮。 16 [VP2C, 3A] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps)'. (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法) ' : come about, happen: 发生 It came about in this way. 它就是这样发生的。 How does it ~ about that... ? …是怎样发生的? 6 8 above. 参看上列第 8 义。 come across sb/sth, a find or meet by chance: 偶然发现或遇见某人(某物): I came across this old brooch in a curio shop. 我在一家古玩店里偶然发现了这枝古老的扣花。 b occur to: 出现于…中: The thought came across my mind that..., occurred to me....…的想法出现于我的脑海中; 我忽然想到…。 Cf 参较 It crossed my mind that.... ~ across (with), (sl) pay (money owing); agree to give information. (俚)偿付(欠款); 同意提供消息或情报; 同人知道答案的! b progress: 进步: The garden is coming along quite nicely. 那花园越来越美。 c appear; arrive: 由现; 到达: When the right opportunity ~s along, he'll take it. 当良机到来时,他会抓住的。 d (imper) hurry up; make haste: (祈使) 快一点; 赶快: C ~ along—we'll be late for the theatre! 赶快 —— 我们看戏要迟到了! 意说出。 come after sb, follow in pursuit of: 跟随; 追踪; 追捕: The farmer came after the intruders with a big stick. 那农夫拿着一根大棍子追捕侵入者。 come along, a (imper) try harder; make more effort: (祈使)再努力点; 加紧努力: C~ along, now— someone must know the answer! 再想想看定有 come apart,~, fall, to pieces: 破掉; 碎掉: The teapot just came apart in my hands. 弟紊壶就在我手中破了。 come at sb/sth, a reach; get access to: 达到; 接近; 得到: The truth is often difficult to ~ at (get at is more usu). 事实真相常常难获知(较常用 get at) → b attack: 攻击; 袭击: The man came at me with a big stick. 那人手转粗棍向我打来。 Hence, 由此产生, ~-at-able /.kAm'aetabl; kAm'aetab)/ adj (colloq) accessible (get-at-able is more usu (俗)可接近的; 可获得的(较常用 get-at-able) 0 come away (from), become detached: (从…)脱落; 掉下: The light switch came away from the wall. 电灯开关从墙上掉下来了。 come back, return; (of fashions) become popular again: 回来; (指时样)再度流行: Will ruffs ~ back? 宽硬的缟领会再度流行吗? ~ back at, retort; retaliate: 反驳; 报复: He came back at the speaker with some sharp questions. 他以一些尖刻的问题反驳演说者。 ~ back (to one), return to the memory: 重现于(某人的)记忆中: Their names are all coming back to me now, I'm beginning to remember them. 他们的名字,我现在都潮渐想起来了。 Hence, 由此产生, '~back n a (eg of actors, politicians, sportsmen, etc) successful return to, reinstatement in, a former position: (如演员、从政者、运动员等的)恢复先前的地位; 东山再起: Can he stage a ~-back? 他能够东山再起吗? (b) retort; repartee. 反驳; 反击。 c redress; recompense (for a loss, etc): 孺偿; 赔沽(损失等): If you're uninsured and you're burgled, you'll have no ~-back. 如果你未投保而被小偸光顾,你将得不到赔偿。 come before sb/sth, a be dealt with by: 被…讨论: The complaint will ~ before the United Nations Assembly next week. 该项控诉将于下周提交联合国大会讨论。 b have precedence over: 地位高于: Baronets ~ before knights. 从男爵的地位高于爵士。 come between, a interfere with a relationship: 干预; 干扰: It is not advisable to ~ between a man and his wife. 干预别人夫妻间之事是不智的。 b prevent sb from having sth: 阻挠某人不使其有某物或作某事; 阻碍; 阻止: He never lets anything ~ between him and his evening paper. 他从不让任何事阻碍他看晚报。 come by sth, a obtain by effort; become possessed of: 努力虑宥; 获有: Was the money honestly ~ by? 那钱的来路正当吗? Jobs were hard to ~ by. 工作难求。 b receive by accident or chance: 由于意外件或偶然地受到: How did you ~ by that cut on your wrist? 你手腕上的割伤是怎么来的? come down, a collapse: 塌陷; 崩溃: The ceiling came down on our heads. 夭花板场下来掉在我们的头上。 b (of rain,. snow, hail) fall: (指雨、雪、 雹)落下: The rain came down in bucketfuls. 大雨 c (of prices, temperature, etc) fail. (指物价、气温等)跌落; 下落; 下降。(d) ~ from a city or large town to a smaller locality: (从城市或大卸到较小的地方; 下乡: She came down from Glasgow last year and settled in the village. 她于去年从格拉斯哥下乡来并定居在该村中。 e (colloq) pay money: (()付钱; 出手: My rich uncle came down generously, made a generous gift of money. 我那有钱的叔父出手大方(给了相当多的钱)。 ~ down (from), leave university (esp Oxford or Cambridge): 大学毕业或肄业(尤指自牛津或剑桥大学): His son has just ~ down from Oxford. 他儿子刚自牛津大学毕业。 ~ 'down in the world, lose social position; become poor. 失去社会地位; 失势; 变穷; 败落。 Hence, 由此产生,'down n fall in social position; humiliation 社会地位或声望)衰落; 低落; 败落; 贬抑; 屈辱: He has had to sell his house and furniture—what a ~-down for him! 他不得不卖掉房屋及像具 —— 对他该是多大的府辱! ~ down in favour of sb/sth; ~ down on the side of sb/sth, decide to support: 决定支持; 决心拥护: He came down on the side of rr more flexible trade policy. 他决定支持比较有弹性的贸易政策。 ~ down on sb, (colloq) rebuke severely: (俗)严责: The headmaster came down on the boy like a ton of bricks. 校长凶猛地对那男孩严加斥责。 ~ down on sb for sth. demand payment of money owing: 向某人索还钱等: Tradesmen came down on him for prompt settlement of his accounts. 商人们要他迅速结帐。 ~ down to, a reach to: 到达; 垂及: Her hair ~s down to her waist. 她的头发下垂到腰部。 b reduce to: 减少或降低至: Your choices in the matter ~ down to these. 有关此事你的选择只限于这些。 c (of traditions, etc) be handed down: (指传统等)传下; 世代相传:legends that have ~ down tb us, ie from our ancestors. 自古相传至今的传说。 ~ down to doing sth, be forced, eg by poverty, to do sth humiliating: (如因穷困等)被迫做屈辱的事: He had ~ down to begging. 他已沦为乞丐。 ~ down to earth, return to reality: 返面晚实: Now that his money has all been spent, he's had to ~ down to earth. 既然他的钱已全部花掉了,他不得不回到现实(的生活) 里来。~ down to it, examine the meaning, the essentials. 审査含义或要点。 ~ down with, (colloq) contribute: (俗)捐献: I had to ~ down with £10 to her favourite charity. 我不得不捐出十镑来给她所喜欢的慈善事业。 come forward, a offer or present oneself: 自吿奋勇; 自愿效劳: Will no one ~ forward as a candidate? 无人出来镜选吗? No witness of the accident has ~ forward. 没有人出来做那意外事件的见证人。 b (comm) become available: (曹)可供销售; 可资 NK: the .number of cattle coming forward for slaughter, brought to market to be sold. 可供宰杀的肉牛数目。 come from, a (not with progressive tenses) have as a birthplace, place of origin, etc: (不用进行式)出生于; 来自; 源自: He ~s from Kent. 他是肯特郡人。 Much of the butter eaten in England ~s from New Zealand. 英格兰境内所食用的牛油有很多是来自纽西兰。 (b)= ~ of b . come home to, chome1 (2). come in, a (of the tide) rise: (指潮水) ■ 涨: The tide is coming in. 潮正在上涨。 b become seasonable: 当令; 上市: When do oysters ~ in? 媒何时上市? c become fashionable: 开始流行: When did women's trousers ~ in? 妇女的长裤何时开始流行? d (of a batsman in cricket) take his stand at the wicket: (指板球戏中的击球手)就其在三柱门旁之位置; 上场: When the next man came in,.... 当下一个击球手上场的时候,…。 e take a place in the result of a race: 在卖跑市每名次: Which horse came in first? 哪一匹马跑第一名? (f) be elected; ~ into power: 当违; 直权; 执政; 上台: If the Democrats ~ in,.... 假若民主党上台的话,…。 g be received as income, etc: 作为收入等而被收到: There's not much money coming in at present. 目前没有多少钱收入。 h have a part to play: 担任职务: Here is the plan of attack, and this is where you ~ in. 这是攻击计划,此处是你的任务岗位。 Where do I ~ in, (according to context) What is my share, How do I benefit, etc? (根据上下文)我的职务是什么,我的好处在哪里等? ~ in handy/useful (for sth), happen to be useful, serve a purpose: 偶然会有用; 可龉有用: Don't throw it away—it may. ~ in handy one day. 不要把它丢掉一它有一天也许会有用处。 ~ in for, a receive (as an inheritance, a share, etc): 得到(遗产、一份等): She has ~ in for a fortune. 她得到了一笔财产。 b attract; be the object of: 吸引; 为…之对象; 招致: Their handling of the case has ~ in for a great deal of criticism. 他们对该案件的处理已经招致了许多的批评。 ~ in on, join; take part in: 加入; 参加: If you want to ~ in on the scheme, you must decide now. 如果你要参加此计划,你必须现在就作决定。 coms into sth, → 4 above. 参看上列第 4 义。 come of. a be descended from: 五…之后裔; 出身于: She of an interesting family. 她出为于有趣的家庭。 b be the result of: 为之结果: He promised his help, but / don't think anything will ~ of it. 他答应帮忙,但我不认为他的帮忙会有任何结果。 No harm can ~ of trying. 试试无妨(不会有害) . ~ of age, → age(1). come off, a take place: 发生; 举行: The match didn't ~ off. 比实未京行。 Did the proposed visit to Rome ever ~ off? 所提议之罗马之行实现了吗? b (of plans, attempts) succeed: (指计划、企图)成 → : The experiment did not ~ off. 项验未段功。 The film doesn't quite ~ off 该影片不大成功。 c (of persons) fare; prosper; acquit oneself: (指人)进展; 成就; 行为; 表现: They came off well/ badly. 他们表现得很好(坏); 他们做得很成功 (失败)。 Who came off best, who won? 谁获胜? come off (sth), a become detached or separated (from): (从某物上)脱落; 分离; 掉下: A button has off my coat. 我的外衣掉了一颗扣子。 Please use lipstick that doesn't ~ off on the wineglasses. 请用不会印在酒杯上的口杠。 hen we came off the gold standard..., abandoned it.... 当我们废弃金本位制时…。 b fall (from): (自…)跌下: ~ off a horse/ bicycle. 自马(脚踏车)上跌下 o Don't ~。 ” 7 不要捧下来! c get down (from): (自…)下来: C ~ off that wall before you fall off (it). 快下来,免得从墙上捧下来。 also perch1 (2). (dj ~ off it. (colloq, imper) stop pretending, or talking nonsense: (俗,祈使)别装了; 别吹了; 别胡说八道; 住口: Oh, ~ off it! What do you know about horseracing? 唉,别咬了! 关于赛马你懂什么? come on, a follow: 跟随: You go first, I'll ~ on later. 你先去,我随后绝亲。 Hence, 由此产生, ,~ - on n (sl) lure; seductive action. (俚)诱感; 引诱。 b (as a challenge): (作为挑战语): C~ on! Let's race to the bottom of the hill. 来吧! 我们赛跑到山脚下。 c make progress; develop: 进步; 发展; 发育: How's your garden coming on? 你的花园最展的情形如何? The baby is coming on well. 婴儿而发育情形良好。 d (of rain, the seasons, night, illness, etc) start; arrive: (指雨、季、夜、病等)开始; 来到: Night/Darkness came on. 夜色(黑暗)降临。 The rain came on again worse than ever. 雨又下了,较前更为加剧。 He said he felt a cold coming on, was beginning to suffer from a cold. 他说他感到有患感冒的迹象。 e (of questions, lawsuits) arise for discussion: 福问题、讼案)被提出讨编: When does the case ~ on for trial, When will the court deal with it? 该案何时开庭讯?⑴ (cricket, of a bowler) begin to bowl. (板球戏,指投手)开始投球。 g (of an actor) appear on the stage; (of a play) be performed: (指演员)登场; 上场; (指剧本)上演: 'Macbeth' is coming on again next month. '马克白'下月将再度上演。 on to + inf, begin to: 开始: It came on to rain. 开始下雨。 come out, a appear; become visible: 出现; 显现: The sun/stars came out. 太阳(星星)出来了。 The buds/flowers are coming out, are opening. 檎蕾 (花)绽放。 b become known: (消息)传出; (真相)大白: When the news came out... 当消息传出的时候…。 If the truth ever ~s out.. 如果事实真相终会明白…。 c be published: 出版: When will his new book ~ out? 他的新著将于何时出版? d (of workmen) str 汰 e: (指工人)罢工: The car workers have all ~ out again. 汽车工人再度全体罢工。 e (of details, etc in a photograph; of qualities) appear: (指相片上的细微处; 指品质)显现; 表露: You have ~ out well in that photograph, It is a good likeness. 你的那张相片照得很好。 His arrogance ~s out in every speech he makes. 他的骄气表露于他每一次的演讲中。 f (of stains, etc) be removed: (指汚迹等)被除去: These ink stains won't ~ out. 这些墨水迹洗不掉。 (9)(of dyes, etc) fade; disappear: (Jg染料等)褪色; 消失: Will the colour ~ out if the material is washed? 这料子经洗涤后会褪色吗? h (of problems) be solved: (指问题)被麻决: f can't make this sum/ equation ~ out, can't solve it. 我算不出这个算术题房程式)。 i make a debut; (colloq) begin to live publicly as sth. 初入社交场合; (俗)出头。 j (of meaning, sense) become clear: (指意变明白; 显明: The meaning of the passage ~s out clearly in his interpretation. 这一段文字的意义经他的解释后就明白了。 ~ out at, (of totals, averages, etc) amoun to: (指总数、平均数等)达到: The total ~s out at 7., is 756. 总鼠达到 756。 ~ out first/ last, etc, (i. examinations)have a certain position: (L考诗切得第一名(最后一名等): Tom came out first. 汤 W (考试成绩)名列第一。 ~ out in, be partially covered in (pimples, a rash, etc): 部份 3 [ 盖着(输刺、疹等 )She's ~ out in spots! 她身上出疹子了! ~ out with, utter; say: 说出; 道出: He came out with a most extraordinary story/a string of oaths. 他说出了一个非常惊人的故事(一连串的咒骂语)。 come over, a ~ from a distance: 从远处来: Won't you ~ over to England for a holiday? 你不来英国度假吗? b change sides or opinions: 变立场或意见: He will never ~ over to our side. 他决不会改变立场参加我们这一边。 ~ over sb, (of feelings, influences) take possession of: (指感情、影响力)掌握住某人; 占据: What has ~ over you, Why have you changed in this way? 你为什么会变成这个样子? A fit of dizziness came over her, She suddenly felt dizzy. 她突然感到晕眩。 ~ over queer/funny/ dizzy, (colloq) suffer a feeling of faintness/ sickness/dizziness. (俗)感到头晕(不适,械眩), come round, a ~ by a circuitous route: 由迂曲的路线而来; 走管路: The road was blocked so we had to ~ round by the fields. 道路阻塞了,所以我们不得不由田间绕道而来。 b pay an informal visit to: (非正式地)访问: Won't you ~ round and see me some time? 什么时候来看我好吗? c recur: 再现; 再来; 再临: Christmas will soon ~ round, be here again. 圣诞节不久又要来临了。 d change views, etc: 改变观念、见解等: He will never ~ round to our way of thinking, change his views and adopt ours. 他决不会放弃他的观点而采取我们的。 He has ~ round, has accepted / agreed. 他已接受(同意) . e regain consciousness: 恢复知觉; 甦醒: Pour a jug of water on his face—he'll soon ~ round. 浇一 J 水在他的脸上,他马上就会甦醒。⑴ recover from ill temper, etc: 从坏脾气辱恢复过来: Don't scold the boy; he'll ~ round in time. 不要责骂那个男孩; 他的坏脾气终会过去的。 come through, a recover from a serious illness, from risk of injury: (从重病中)复元; (从遭遇受伤危险中)度过; 脱险: With such a weak heart, he was lucky to ~ through. 他的心脏如此衰弱, 竟能复元真是幸运。 How did you manage to ~ through without even a scratch, to escape even a slight injury? 你用什么方法能够丝毫未受伤(安然脱险)? b arrive (by telephone, radio, etc): (经由电话、无线电等)到达; 打通: Listen—a message is just coming through. W 一电讯刚接通。 c pass.through official channels: 获得盲另批准: Your posting has just ~ through: it's Hong Kong! 你的派令刚下来:地点是香港! ~ through sth, survive: 经历…之后仍然活着: He has ~ through two world wars, has lived safely through them. 他身经两次世界大战。 come 'to, a recover consciousness; → come round e . 恢复知觉; 甦醒。( b) ~ to sth. 点 3 above. 参看上列第 3 义。 come under sth. a be classed among; be in (a certain category, etc): 施入 (某一类等): What heading does this ~ under? 这个应归入哪一项? b be subjected to: 受到: ~ under sb's notice/in-fluence. 受到某人的注意 (影响) 。 come up, a (of seed, herbaceous plants, etc) show above the ground: (WK子、草本植物等| 长由地面: The seeds/snowdrops haven't ~ up yet. 种子 (雪花草) 尙未发出芽来。 b arise; be put forward: 发生; 被提出: The question hasn't ~ up yet, has not been raised or discussed. 问题尙未被柬出或讨论。 Her divorce case ~ up next month, will be dealt with then, 她的离婚案件将于下月讨论。 c (colloq) be drawn (in a lottery): (俗) (在抽奖中 j 板抽中: My sweep stake ticket came up; / won £100. 我的马票中奖了 (号码被抽出); 我中了一百镑。 d occur; arise: 发生; 出现: We shall write to you if a vacancy ~s up. 即果出缺我们会写信给你。 e rise in social position: 社会地位升高; 出头: He came up the hard way, succeeded through his own, unaided efforts. 他靠自己的努力而出人头地。 ~ up against. meet (difficulties, opposition). 对付; 应付 (困难、反对) 。 ~ up to, a reach: 达到; 疫烟: The water came up to my waist. 水深及于我的腰部。 b equal: 等于; 达到: Your work has not ~ up to my ex-pectations/to the required standards. 你的工作没有达到我的期望 (要求的标准) 。 ~ up with, a draw level with: 与…并行; 赶上: We came up with a party of hikers. 我们赶上了一队远足者。 b produce; find (a solution, an answer). 产生; 发现 (解决办法,答案) 。 come upon sb/sth, a attack by surprise; strike: 突袭; 突商: the disaster that came upon them. 突然降临于他们的灾祸。 Fear came upon us. 我们突然感到害怛。 b = come across (a).




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