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单词 月球




the moon
~探测器进入轨道。The lunar probe has reached the orbit./~探测工程lunar exploration program/中国~探测工程Chinese Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP)/~轨道(探测)卫星lunar orbiter(probe)/~探测器lunar probe;lunar orbiter(后者指轨道器,范围更大)
嫦娥一号卫星Chang’e I Lunar Satellite
中国国家航天局China National Space Administration (CNSA)
国防科学技术工业委员会(国防科工委) Commission of Science,Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND)
中国航天科技集团公司China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)
北京航天飞行控制中心Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC)
中国空间技术研究院China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)
中国运载火箭技术研究院China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
长征三号甲运载火箭Long March (LM)3A launch vehicle(carrier rocket)
卫星进入周期为12小时、近月点210千米、远月点8600千米的月球椭圆轨道。The orbiter traveled along a 12-hour elliptical moon orbit,with a perilune—the point in a lunar orbit that is nearest to the moon—of about 210 km and an apolune—the point in a lunar orbit that is farthest from the moon—of about 8600 km.
探测器进入月球轨道后,必须作几次制动,才能成功被月球引力所捕获,成为绕月卫星。制动过早,卫星会飞离月球,制动过晚,就会与月球相撞。After the probe enters the moon’s orbit,it will brake several times so that it will be captured by lunar gravity and become a real circumlunar satellite. It would fly away from the moon if the braking is too early,or crash into the moon if the braking is too late.
第三次近月制动将卫星的速度减至每分钟1.59千米、轨道调整为周期127分钟的极月圆轨道。The third braking further slowed the probe’s speed to 1.59 km.per second to enter a 127-minute round polar circular orbit.
经过326个小时、总距离约180万千米的长途飞行和四次变轨、一次轨道调整和三次制动后,卫星成功进入月球的“工作轨道”。After completing a 326-hour long journey of some 1.80 million kilometers,four orbital transfers,one orbital correction and three brakings,the satellite successfully entered the moon’s “working orbit”.
科学目标:获取月球表面三维影像,分析月球表面有用元素及物质类型的含量和分布,探测月球风化层特性,探测40万千米间的地月空间环境。The scientific objectives include:to acquire 3-D images of lunar surface;to analyze abundance and distribution of elements on lunar surface; to investigate characteristics of lunar regolith; and to explore space environment between the Earth and the Moon.
卫星的绕、落、回lunar orbiting,lunar landing and sample return
观察装置observation instruments
光学成像探测系统optical imaging system
CCD相机CCD stereo camera
干涉成像光谱仪interferometer spectrometer image
激光高度计laser altimeter
γ射线谱仪gamma-ray spectrometer
微波辐射仪microwave sounder
空间环境探测仪space environment detector
太阳高能粒子探测器high-energy solar particle detector
低能离子探测器low-energy ion detector
发射区launch site
发射台launch pad
发射窗口launch window
发射前的最后测试pre-launch tests
测控telemetry,tracking and command(TT&C)
星箭分离separation of the satellite from the launch vehicle
变轨orbital transfer;maneuver
偏离轨道deviate from the orbit;veer off cource
地月转移轨道Earth-Moon transfer orbit
极轨道polar orbit
收集月球表面数据collect lunar surface data
拍摄和传送地球照片capture and relay pictures of Earth
地形和地表结构topographical and surface structures
甚长底线干涉量度法very long baseline interferometry(VLBI)
下引线数据接收downlink data reception





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