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单词 comb
释义 comb /kaum; kom/ n 1 piece of metal, rubber, plastic, etc with teeth for cleaning the hair, making it tidy, keeping it in place, etc or as an ornament. 梳子 (由金属、橡皮、塑胶等制成,石齿可以梳理头发使之整齐而不蓬乱,亦可作为装饰品) 。 2 part of a machine with a ~-1 汰 e look or purpose, esp for tidying and straightening wool, cotton, etc for manufacture. 梳直羊毛、棉花等之机件中的梳状部份; 梳齿。 3 wax structure made by bees for honey. 蜂房; 蜂巢(蜜蜂为产蜜而作的蜡质结构体)。 honey4 red fleshy crest of fowl. 鸡冠。 cocks ~. 5 crest of a large wave. '( 大浪的)疽头; 浪峰。 vt, vi [VP6A, 15B] 1 use a ~ on (the hair). (用梳子)梳(头发)《 2 prepare (wool, flax, etc) with s for manufacture. 梳理(羊毛、亚麻等) 以供纺织。 3 search thoroughly: 彻底搜查: The police ~ed the whole city in their efforts to find the murderer:警方搜遍全市,以求找到凶手。 4 ~ out, (fig) take out (unwanted things, persons) from a group: (喻)(自团体中)去除(不呜要的东西、 人): ~ out a government department, get rid of officials who are not really needed, who are inefficient, etc. 裁汰政府一部门中的冗员、无能者等。 Hence, 由此产生, '~-out n act of getting rid of (unnecessary officials, etc). 淘汰; 裁汰(冗员或无能者等)。 5 [VP2C, 3A] ~ over, (of a wave) break,, curl: (指浪)涌起浪花; 滚腾: waves ~ing over the ship. 溅至船上的海浪。




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