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❶ (月球; 月亮) the moon: 半 ~ a half moon; 残 ~ an old moon; 新 ~ a new moon; crescent; 赏 ~ admire the moon; 他和她在 ~ 下散步。He took a walk with her under the moon. 一轮圆 ~ 挂在花园的上空。A full moon hangs over the garden.
❷ (计时的单位) month: 本 ~ this month; 隔 ~ every alternate [other] month; 下个 ~ the next [following; ensuing; coming] month; 逐 ~ month by month; 一年分为十二个 ~。 The year is divided into twelve months.
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 辉 Yue Hui Ⅱ ❶ (每月的) monthly: ~ 报表 [产量] monthly report [output]
❷ (形状像月亮的; 圆的) full-moon shaped; round
◆月白 bluish white; very pale blue; 月白风清 The moon is bright and the wind cool.; the beautiful and quiet night; The moon is bright and the air serene.; The moon is pale and the breeze is refreshing.; The moon is white and the winds mild.; 月半 the 15th day of a month; 月报 monthly magazine; monthly; monthly report; 月饼 moon cake; 月潮(汐) lunar tide; 月初 the beginning of a month; 月底 the end of a month; 月洞门 moon gate; 月度 monthly; 月份 month; 月工 a labourer hired by the month; 月宫 the palace of the moon; the moon; 月光 moonlight; moonbeam; moonshine; 月桂 bay; laurel; laur-; lauro-; 月桂树 {植} sweetwood; laurel; bay tree; 月海 lunar mare; 月黑天 moonless night; 月华 moonlight; {气} lunar corona; 月角 cusps; 月经 menses; menstruation; monthlies; lunaria; catamenia; emmenia regel; menstrual flow; period; flower; 月刊 monthly magazine; monthly; 月亮 moon; 月令 climate and phenology in a lunar month; 月轮 full moon; 月面(的) selenographic; 月杪 [书] the end of a month; 月末 the end of a month; 月票 monthly ticket; monthly pass; [美] commutation ticket; [英] season ticket; 月球 moon; selen-; seleno-; seleni-; 月球学 selenology; lunar geology; 月石 borax; 月食 eclipse of the moon; lunar eclipse; 月台 railway platform; 月息 interest per mensem; monthly interest; 月薪 monthly pay [salary]; 月牙 crescent moon; 月岩 lunar rock; lunabase; marebase; 月夜 moonlit night; 月晕 lunar halo; lunar aureole; 月震 moonquake; 月质 lunar geology; 月中 the middle of a month; 月终 the end of a month; 月子 month of confinement after giving birth to a child; time of childbirth; confinement

za yue

【书面】full month

人有悲欢离合,~有阴晴圆缺。Men have their weal and woe,parting and meeting;The moon has her dimness and brightness,waxing and waning./~圆则亏,水满则溢。The full moon wanes,full water overflows./众星捧~。A myriad of stars surround the moon./2~上旬the first ten days of February/上半~ first half of a month/下半~ second half of a month





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