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单词 pray
pray/preɪ/ v

(1)祈祷(求),祷告 (speak esp silently to God (or gods), privately or with others showing love giving thanks or asking for sth) [I I+prep(to)(for), T+n+prep(for), T+that T+to-inf]:~for the dying man/the sick and suffering/sb's good health 为垂死的人/病人和受苦受难的人/某人的健康祈祷;~for rain 求雨;~(to God) for an end to one's sufferings/for one's sufferings to end 为结束自己的苦难而(向上帝)祈祷;~(to) God for forgiveness 祈求上帝宽恕;Let's~that our team wins. 让我们为我们队取得胜利而祈祷。We~ed that she would recover. 我们为她的康复而祈祷。~to be forgiven 祈求宽恕;

(2)乞求(beg) [T+n+prep(for), C+n+to-inf]:~sb for mercy 乞求某人怜悯;I~you to be careful/think again. 我求你小心点/再想一想。~sb to set the prisoner free/show mercy 乞求某人释放囚犯/怜悯;P~ing he would not see me, I hurried inside. 我不想让他看见我,因此赶紧走了进去。

→′prayer n 祈祷(求);祈祷仪式(文)





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