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❶ (改变;改换) change;replace:变~ make changes in;
除旧 ~ 新 replace the old with the new;
改弦 ~ 张 change over to new ways
❷ [书] (经历) experience: 少不 ~ 事 young and inexperienced Ⅱ ❶ (旧时一夜分成五更,每更大约两小时) one of the five two-hour periods into which the night was formerly divided;watch:半夜三 ~ in the dead of night;
鸡鸣五 ~ day break;
打 ~ beat the watches
❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 赢 Geng Ying
另见 see also ɡènɡ。
◆更杯易箸 bring clean cups and chopsticks to renew the feast;
更迭 change;alternate;alternation;
更动 change;alter;modify;
更番 alternately;by turns;
更番迭次 modify [alter] repeatedly;many times;again and again;
更夫 night watchman;
更改 change;alter;alteration;
更换 renewal;change;replace;transposing;exchange;replacement;alter;
更名改姓 change one's whole name;assume a false name;conceal one's real name;
更名启事 renaming notice;
更名子句 rename clause;
更年期 climacteric;climacterium;menopause;involutional climacterium;
更仆难数 too many to count;innumerable;too numerous to count;too many to enumerate;Things and matters are too numerous to be counted.;countless;
更深漏残 in the dead of night;
更深人静 deep in the night and all is quiet;The night is late and people are quiet.;There is nobody moving in the depth of night.;
更深夜静[阑 in the dead of night;It's late and everything's quiet.;
更深夜漏 in the dead of night;
更生 regenerate;regeneration;revive;renew;
更事未多 with little experience in practical affairs;have experienced little;
更苏植物 resurrection plant;
更替 replace;supersedure;take turns;substitute;
更新 renew;replace;renovate;update;renewal;angenesis;restoration;regeneration;kainogenesis;turnover;
更新改造 transformation and renovation of;make replacements and technical innovations;replacement and technical transformation;technical renovation and transformation;
更姓改名 change one's name;change one's surname and given name;
更新换代 renew;replace the old with the new;
更新技术设备 upgrade the technical equipment;renovate the technical equipment;
更新知识 update the knowledge;renew one's knowledge;
更衣 change one's clothes;change dresses;
更张 change over to new ways;make a fresh start;
更正 make corrections;amend;[拉] corrigendum;
更正凭单 correction voucher


❶ (更加) more;still more;even more:~ 冷了 much colder;~ 难 even more difficult;
问题 ~ 复杂了。 The problem became even more complicated. 他写的书很难懂,他的讲演就 ~ 难懂了。 It is difficult to understand his books,much more his lectures.
❷ (再,又) further;still further;furthermore:~ 进一步 go a step further;~ 有甚者 what is more
另见 see also ɡēnɡ。
◆更多 more;still more;
更好 better;so much the better;all the better;
更坏 worse;even worse;worse still;
更加 to a higher degree;still further;still [even] more;
更妙 still better;more interesting;
更少 still less;
更上一层楼 go up a storey still higher;strive for further improvement;climb one storey higher — attain a yet higher goal;scale new heights;
更胜一筹 even better;be better by one tally;superior to ...;
更是如此 all the more so;
更有甚者 what is more;more than that;furthermore





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