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单词 practice
practice/′præktɪs/ n [-s / ɪz/]

(1) 实践 (performance; action as contrast with theory) [U]: put a plan/a theory into~将一计划/理论付诸实践;Your idea seems good but will it work in~? 你的想法似乎不错,但能付诸实践吗?In theory the plan should be successful, but in~there are a lot of difficulties. 从理论上讲这个计划应该是成功的,但实际上还有许多困难。The new method did not go into~until last year. 新方法直到去年才付诸实践。〖同〗operation,action,application;

(2) 1)练习(regular activity done to improve one's skill) [U]: an hour's~every day 每天一小时的练习;an evening~for the tennis team 网球队的晚间训练;music/piano~音乐/弹钢琴练习;(playing the piano) require a lot of~(弹好钢琴)需要大量练习;With~he could speak English fluently. 经过大量练习,他就能流利地讲英语了。You'll need some extra~with English conversation. 你的英语会话还需要做一些额外的练习。It takes years of~to acquire the skill of an expert. 要获得专家的技巧需要多年的实践。Pmakes perfect. (prov) 熟能生巧。a~game/lesson 练习赛/课;〖同〗training,drill,exercise; 2)练习(训练) (period of time spent doing this) [C]: The players will meet for a~in the morning. 运动员们早晨集合做一次训练。We have two choir~s a week. 我们合唱队每个礼拜练习两次。〖同〗training,drill,exercise;

(3) 1)惯例,习惯做法 (way of doing sth that is common or habitual) [U]: follow one's usual~to do sth 按自己的惯常做法做某事;It is the~in English law to consider a person as not guilty until he has been proved guilty. 英国法律习惯上认为,一个人在被证明有罪前是无罪的。2)习惯(俗),常例 (sth done regularly; habit or custom) [C]: the~of closing shops on Sundays 商店星期日不营业的常例;I had tea after dinner, as is my usual~. 我饭后喝茶,这是我的习惯。the~of going to bed late 晚睡的习惯;It is my~always to rise early. 每天早起是我的习惯。〖同〗custom,habit,rule,way;

(4) 1)医生,律师等的)业务(工作) (doctor's or lawyer's business) [U]: My lawyer has a very good~. 我的律师生意很好。be in~行医;retire from~不再行医;2)(医生,律师等的)业务(开业地点) ((place of) business of a doctor or lawyer) [C]: a doctor with a large~求诊病人很多的医生;a medical/legal~医生/律师的业务;a group~医生联合诊所;Where is his~? 他在哪里开业?buy (into) a very profitable~买下一个非常有利可图的事务所;sell one's~转让生意(如把求诊的病人转给另一个医生);

(5) 1)(尤指医生或律师)行医,提供法律方面的服务 ((esp of a doctor or lawyer) pursuit of a profession or occupation) [U]: the~of law/medicine 做律师/医生;2)宗教的信仰 (exercising of one's religion) [U]: the~of one's religion 信仰宗教;

in/out of practice不荒疏/荒疏: A pianist gets his fingers in~by playing scales. 钢琴家通过练习音阶使自己的手指灵活自如。I used to play tennis well but now I'm out of~. 以前我的网球打得不错,但现在荒疏了。

→′practical adj;实际的,实用的;practically adv 实际地,几乎;






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