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单词 暴风骤雨

暴风骤雨bào fēng zhòu yǔ

a mighty (/raging/fierce/sudden/violent) storm; high winds and driving rain; a hurricane; a tempest
❍ 很短的时间内,将有几万万农民从中国中部、南部和北部各省起来,其势如~,迅猛异常,无论什么大的力量都将压抑不住。(《毛泽东选集》13)In a very short time,in China’s central,southern and nor thern provinces,several hundred million peasants will rise like a mighty storm,like a hurricane,a force so swift and violent that no power,however great,will be able to hold it back.
❍ 黑天白日,大会小会,屯子里又卷起了~,向封建猛攻。(周立波《暴风骤雨》321) Meetings big and small went on day and night,and the fight against feudalism once more swept the village like a hurricane.
❍ 展出的一张照片,记录了这一实况。从这张照片,我们看到人民群众在~的阶级斗争中觉悟起来…… (《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》2—11) A photograph which recorded the episode was on display at the exhibition. It showed us how the masses became awakened in the fierce storm of class struggle…

暴风骤雨bao feng zhou yu

violent storm

《暴风骤雨》bao feng zhou yu

The Tempest→周立波(Zhou Libo)

暴风骤雨bào fēnɡ zhòu yǔ

狂暴的大风,急速来临的暴雨。比喻来势凶猛。violent storm, tempest, hurricane, mighty storm





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更新时间:2025/3/3 6:13:08