释义 |
暴跳如雷bào tiào rú léias savage as a meat axe(/as an ox); as violent and fierce as thunder; be hopping mad;be in a frenzy of rage; burst into a storm; cut up rough (/rusty);flare up; fly into a fury (/a bad rage /passion); full of rage; fume with rage; get (go) into one’s tantrum; get worked up; go (/be) on the rampage; have a fit (of fury);have a temper;hit the ceiling (/roof); hop (and thunder) with rage; in a fit of rage; in an outburst of fury; in a thundering rage; leap up furiously; rant and rave furiously; stamp one’s foot frantically in anger; storm at sb ❍ 他哥哥知道了,气的~,叫了他去骂。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》170) When his older brother heard of it,he was as savage as an ox,and he immediately called his brother to appear before him and gave him a severe cursing. ❍ 严贡生越发恼得~。(《儒林外史》83) But Senior Licentiate Yan only flew into a worse rage. ❍ 舅太爷听了,~,喝叫捆了书童,…… (吴趼人(《二十年目睹之怪现状》418) At this the bookkeeper got so angry that he jumped up,shouted out an order to tie up the attendant,…/自成把右手轻轻一摆,说:“你们都坐下,别~,看我的眼色行事。……”(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—234) Li Zicheng raised one hand to stop them. “Sit down,all of you,” he said. “Don’t get so worked up. Wait till I give the signal…”/此刻马希山等匪首却正在绥芬大甸子~。(曲波《林海雪原》469) At that moment Ma and the other bandit chiefs were in the plain village,hopping and thundering with rage. ❍ 因为师长刚刚~地发了一顿脾气,他们有的伸长舌头,有的挤眉弄眼,有的则是哭丧着沾满污垢的脸。(吴强《红日》148) The divisional commander had just exploded in a fit of rage,and now some of them were sticking out their tongues with anxiety,some grimacing meaningfully at each other,and some,the faces spattered with mud,were looking miserable and depressed. ❍ 在他的上级~的叫骂声里,他整整的立正站了半个钟头。(知侠《铁道游击队》220) He was compelled to stand at attention for over half an hour,while his superior officer stormed and raved at him. 暴跳如雷bào tiào rú léi发怒时又蹦又跳,像打雷一样猛烈。fly into a rage, stamp with fury, go on the rampage, hit the ceiling |