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单词 晨钟暮鼓

晨钟暮鼓暮鼓晨钟chén zhōng mù gǔ

the sound of the morning bell and the evening drum—the lonely existence of Buddhist monks;exhortations to virtue and purity
❍ 在这以后长久的日子里,韩荣华先生伴着~,伴着他躺在地下的亲人,白雪皑皑,山谷空空,松涛飒飒,孤庙寂寂,消磨着他那无限凄凉的时光,吞咽着全家的奇冤大仇。(曲波《林海雪原》387)In the long days that followed,to the sound of the morning bell and the evening drum,with his loved ones beneath the ground for company,Master Han spent an endlessly dreary existence in a world of vast snows and empty valleys,of lonely temples amid soughing pines,swallowing back his thirst for vengeance for the destruction of his family.

晨钟暮鼓暮鼓晨钟chén zhōnɡ mù ɡǔ

指寺庙里用来报时的早晚钟鼓。morning bell and evening drum-reminders, exhortations to virtue and purity





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