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❶ (晚上) evening; night: 昨 ~ yesterday [last] evening; 今 ~ this evening; tonight; 从早到 ~ from morning till night
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 华 Wan Hua Ⅱ ❶ (时间靠后的; 迟) far on in time; latter; late: ~ 清 the latter part of the Qing Dynasty; the late Qing Dynasty; 悔之 ~ 矣。 It's too late to repent. 十分抱歉, 我来得太 ~ 了。 So sorry, I'm so dreadfully late. 我 ~ 了两分钟, 没赶上火车。 I was two minutes too late for my train.
❷ (后来的) junior; younger: ~ 辈 one's juniors; the younger generation
❸ [敬] (旧时在书信中后辈对前辈自称) your humble juniors Ⅲ (来得迟) coming late: 早出 ~ 归 go to work early and come back late; 他是大器 ~ 成。 He reached success late in life. ~ 做总比不做好。 Better late than never.
◆晚安 [套] good night; 晚班 night shift; 晚半晌(儿) [口] dusk; 晚半天儿 [口] (at) dusk; towards evening; 晚报 evening paper; 晚辈 the younger generation; one's juniors; 晚餐 supper; dinner; 晚场 evening show; evening performance; 晚潮 evening tide; 晚车 night train;
晚春 deep spring; 晚稻 late rice; second rice; 晚点 late; behind schedule; 晚饭 supper; dinner; 晚会 an evening of entertainment; soirée; social evening; evening party; 晚婚 marry at a mature age; late marriage;
晚婚晚育 late marriage and late childbirth; late marriage and postponement of childbearing; 晚间 (in the) evening; (at) night; 晚节 integrity in one's later years; 晚间新闻 night news; late news; 晚节不全 lose one's virtue in old age; 晚节不终 lose one's virtue in old age; lose one's integrity in one's closing years; 晚节黄花 like a chrysanthemum in late autumn; keep one's integrity in one's closing years; 晚节末路 one's closing years; in one's later life; towards the end of one's life; 晚节自保 hold fast to one's integrity in one's old age; 晚近 in recent years; during the past few years; 晚景 evening scene; one's circumstances in old age; 晚景凄凉 be lonely and poor in old age; a lonely, dreary life in old age; 晚礼服 dovetail; bobtail; 晚年 old age; sunset; one's later [remaining] years; twilight years; 晚娘 [方] stepmother; 晚期 later period; 晚秋 late autumn; late in the autumn; 晚色 twilight; 晚上 (in the) evening; (at) night; 晚上捕鱼 owling; 晚生 [旧、谦] I; 晚生品种 late maturing variety; 晚石器时代 Late Stone Age; 晚世 [书] modern times; 晚熟 {农} late-matur ̄ing; 晚霜 {农} late frost; 晚松 pond pine; 晚霞 sunset glow; sunset clouds; the evening glow; 晚霞满天 The setting sun kindled the sky.; 晚霞似火 The glow of sunset was as red as fire.; The evening sky is red as a flame.; 晚夏花 farewell-summer; 晚香玉 {植} tuberose; 晚些时候 later; by and by; afterwards; 晚心期 {胚} late heart stage; 晚宴 evening dinner; 晚育 late childbirth





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