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单词 晓行夜宿

晓行夜宿xiǎo xíng yè sù

[of a person on a long journey] start at dawn and stop at dusk; travel by day and rest at (/by) night
❍ 途路艰苦,~,不觉已到洪江渡口。(《西游记》 108) They felt the fatigue of travelling,journeying by day and resting by night,and they soon came to the crossing of the Hong River.
❍ 且说贾政带了几个在京请的幕友,晓行夜宿,一日,到了本省,见过上司,…… (《红楼梦》 1286) Now Jia Zheng had set off from the capital with several secretaries. Travelling by day and resting at night,he finally reached his provincial post and presented himself to his superior.

晓行夜宿xiǎo xínɡ yè sù

拂晓启程,很晚才休息。形容旅途辛劳。travel during the day and sleep at night, start at dawn and stop at duck, start early and halt late





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