晓(曉)xiǎoⅠ ❶ (天刚亮的时候) dawn; daybreak: 拂 ~ foredawn; 春眠不觉 ~。 In spring, one sleeps and wakes up to find it is already day. ❷ (姓氏) a surnameⅡ ❶ (知道) know: 家喻户 ~ know to each and every family; 谁个不知, 哪个不 ~? There's not a person who doesn't know. ❷ (使人知道) let sb. know; tell: 揭 ~ make known; announce ◆晓畅 have a good command of; master; (of writings) clear and smooth; 晓得 know; 晓风残月 the morning breeze and the lingering moon; 晓光 twilight; 晓岚 morning mist; 晓示 tell explicitly; notify; 晓示民众 announce to the common people; instruct [notify] the public; 晓市 morning market; 晓星残月 The stars were faint and the moon setting.; 晓行夜宿 travel during the day and sleep at night; go by day and sleep by night; go one's way by the light of the sun and rest by night; start at dawn and stop at night; start early and halt late; travel by day and rest by night; traveling at dawn and stop ̄ ping for rest at night; 晓以大义 by telling him what is right; 晓以利害 warn sb. of the consequences; 晓谕 [书] give explicit instructions [directions]; 晓悟 [书] realize (truth, mistake, etc.) 晓❶dawn;daybreak ❷know ❸letsbknow;inform;tell 东方欲~,莫道君行早。(毛泽东词 《会昌》)Soon dawn will break in the east.Do not say“you start too early”. (Mao Zedong’s poem Huichang)/金鸡报~golden cock proclaiming the dawn/拂~foredawn/破~daybreak;dawn/家喻户~ be known to all (or every household) |