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单词 club
释义 club3 /klAb; klAb/ n society of persons who subscribe money to provide themselves with sport, social entertainment, or any other shared activity, sometimes in their own grounds, buildings, etc where meals and bedrooms are available; the rooms or building(s) used by such a society (also called a '~ house). 会社; 社团; 俱乐部 (各人纳费供作体育运动或社交娱乐等,其会所并备有餐食及宿舍,有时各种活动即在所中举行); 俱乐部所用的房屋:会所 (亦作 clubhouse), vi (-bb-) [VP2C] ~ together, join or act (together,' with others) for a common purpose: 为共同目的而结合或共同行动; 联合行动: The villagers ~ bed together to help the old pensioners whose house had been burnt down. 全村的人联合起来救助那些房子被烧炖的退休老人。 bable /'klA-babl; 'kiAbdbl/ adj fit for membership of a ~; sociable, 有资'格加入会社为会员的; 好交际的。




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